Canon Medical annuncia una nuova partnership a livello europeo per il sistema RF di nuova generazione sviluppato da DMS Imaging

30 Novembre 2022 – Canon Medical annuncia una nuova partnership a livello europeo per il sistema RF di nuova generazione sviluppato da DMS Imaging

Canon Medical Systems Europe ha annunciato di aver siglato una partnership dell’Unione Europea con il produttore francese di radiologia, DMS Imaging, per commercializzare una nuova generazione di sistemi di radiografia e fluoroscopia (RF). Si tratta di un sistema RF digitale di nuova concezione, telecomandato, sviluppato includendo la tecnologia di Canon Medical.

La nuova soluzione darà la priorità al flusso di lavoro e al comfort del paziente e ha la flessibilità, la versatilità e la raffinatezza per soddisfare le complesse esigenze e gli elevati standard dell’odierno ambiente di imaging medicale. L’integrazione di una nuova generazione di sistemi RF nel portfolio europeo di imaging diagnostico di Canon Medical rafforza lo status commerciale ad alte prestazioni dell’azienda nell’imaging medico diagnostico.

René Degros, Vicepresidente di Canon Medical Systems Europe, spiega: “Il nuovo accordo raggiunto con Apelem-DMS Group ci consentirà di offrire una gamma completa e competitiva di sistemi di imaging medicale ai nostri clienti europei e di rafforzare la nostra posizione di mercato nel segmento RF.” “Il concetto di grande flessibilità del prodotto e i relativi vantaggi clinici lo rendono l’unico sistema possibile in questo segmento di mercato”, ha aggiunto Degros.

Canon Medical ha una filosofia di lunga data che promuove l’importanza dell’ergonomia e benefici per i pazienti grazie a un design rivoluzionario del sistema supportato da caratteristiche uniche. Il nuovo sistema RF rende l’esperienza dell’esame il più confortevole possibile grazie alla tecnologia combinata che mette a proprio agio i pazienti durante esami di routine o speciali procedure.

Le caratteristiche tecnologiche della soluzione RF di nuova generazione includono:

  • Movimento indipendente del tubo radiogeno e del blocco selettore/rilevatore
  • Motori brushless con encoder assoluti per un posizionamento rapido e preciso
  • Un generatore completamente integrato nel pannello di controllo del tavolo, che ne crea uno intuitivo,
  • interfaccia efficiente
  • Integrazione di un sistema di controllo innovativo che consente il monitoraggio e l’automazione
  • controllo del tavolo e del collimatore
  • Eccezionale accesso del paziente
  • Modifiche che garantiscono una riduzione ottimale della dose
  • Rilevatore mobile e funzionalità wireless

I sistemi RF di nuova generazione saranno adatti per l’uso in varie specialità e procedure, tra cui urologia, polmonare, tomografia, ginecologia, nefrologia, artroscopia, pediatria, angiografia, ortopedia, pronto soccorso e medicina gastrointestinale.

 Firma del contratto tra Canon Medical Systems Europe e DMS Imaging. Da sinistra a destra: Christiaan Deurman (European Senior Product Manager, CMSE), René Degros (Vice President, CMSE), Samuel Sancerni (CEO, DMS Imaging) e Frank Gerritsen (European Clinical Market Manager, CMSE).

Canon Medical lancia il nuovo sistema MRI all’ECR 2022

New System Features Help Improve Workflow and Deliver Clinical Confidence

Vienna, 13 luglio 2022 Canon Medical ha presentato Vantage Fortian all’ECR 2022. Il nuovo sistema MRI presenta soluzioni innovative per il flusso di lavoro, miglioramento delle immagini e tecnologia di scansione accelerata, che insieme contribuiscono a ridurre il tempo necessario per le procedure RM.

Dotato di un’interfaccia mobile che consente il monitoraggio remoto e l’integrazione dei dati senza soluzione di continuità e la tecnologia di scansione assistita in camera che controlla automaticamente le bobine e la corretta posizione del paziente, Vantage Fortian è progettato per consentire ai pazienti di spostarsi dalla sala d’attesa alla sala di scansione a casa.

“Vantage Fortian è stato sviluppato specificamente tenendo conto del flusso di lavoro e della produttività”, afferma Thierry Munier, European Director Magnetic Resonance presso Canon Medical Systems Europe. “Abbiamo osservato e ascoltato da vicino radiologi e tecnologi che affrontano le sfide di carichi di pazienti sempre crescenti, esigenze sempre più complesse dei pazienti e del sistema sanitario e risorse limitate ridotte. Tutti riconoscono che le scansioni RM generalmente richiedono più tempo e richiedono un flusso di lavoro più complesso rispetto ad altre modalità. Pertanto, i nostri ingegneri si sono concentrati sulla ricerca di soluzioni in grado di soddisfare le nuove esigenze di oggi e garantire che le strutture di risonanza magnetica e i loro pazienti possano muoversi di più e attendere di meno”.

In linea con il rilascio di Altivity alla fine del 2021, il nuovo e audace approccio di Canon all’innovazione dell’intelligenza artificiale, Vantage Fortian incorpora la tecnologia di machine learning e deep learning che migliora la qualità dell’immagine rimuovendo il rumore e ripristinando l’SNR, automatizza molte procedure di scansione e conferma l’impostazione passaggi per risparmiare tempo e ridurre gli errori.

Il Vantage Fortian utilizza la tecnologia Advanced intelligent Clear-IQ Engine (AiCE), che sfrutta la tecnologia di ricostruzione dell’apprendimento profondo (DLR) per fornire immagini prive di rumore, soprattutto quando la procedura richiede immagini ad alta risoluzione, tempi di scansione altamente accelerati e persino entrambi allo stesso tempo. AiCE è applicabile a tutte le anatomie e copre il 96% di tutte le procedure RM per l’acquisizione 2D e 3D.

Inoltre, con le tecnologie di rilevamento compresso e scansione accelerata di imaging parallelo, Canon Medical ha incorporato nuove soluzioni cliniche nel Vantage Fortian per affrontare le sfide dell’intero flusso di lavoro diagnostico MRI.

Con il rilascio del nuovo sistema RM, Canon Medical offre ora una gamma completa di sistemi MRI a foro aperto da 1,5 T per soddisfare ogni esigenza dei clienti nel crescente segmento di mercato RM da 1,5 T.

Altri sistemi della gamma, come Vantage Orian e Vantage Galan avranno presto le nuove soluzioni presenti nel Vantage Fortian.

Scopri di più sul Vantage Fortian sul nostro sito web.

Canon Medical Systems acquisisce il produttore danese di apparecchiature mediche Nordisk Røntgen Teknik A/S per rafforzare il Business a livello globale di X-Ray

Canon Medical Systems Corporation (“Canon Medical”, sede: Otawara, Tochigi, Giappone; Presidente: Toshio Takiguchi) annuncia oggi di aver stipulato un accordo per l’acquisizione di Nordisk Røntgen Teknik A/S (“NRT”), una società danese, con sede ad Aarhus, con tecnologia avanzata per lo sviluppo e la produzione di sistemi diagnostici a raggi X, la cui acquisizione è stata completata a seguito delle necessarie procedure di approvazione. Grazie a questa acquisizione, Canon Medical apre l’accesso alla tecnologia, allo sviluppo e alla produzione con sede in Europa per soluzioni avanzate di imaging radiografico digitale multiuso e motorizzato.

NRT è un produttore danese di apparecchiature mediche high-tech con oltre 45 anni di storia, impegnato nello sviluppo e nella produzione di sistemi di fluoroscopia a raggi X multiuso e sistemi di radiografia generale. La forza dell’azienda risiede nel suo portafoglio di prodotti, incentrato su sistemi di fascia alta di facile utilizzo e innovazione costante tenendo conto del personale medico e dei pazienti. Queste offerte di qualità sono fondamentali per il riconoscimento di NRT nel mercato sanitario e la continua espansione del business in tutta Europa, che continuerà con NRT mantenendo le operazioni con il suo nome attuale.

Canon Medical ha iniziato la sua attività con lo sviluppo del primo tubo a raggi X prodotto in Giappone. Oggi fornisce un’ampia gamma di sistemi a raggi X, da soluzioni di livello base a soluzioni di fascia alta, inclusi sistemi di fluoroscopia e soluzioni di raggi X digitali. Con attività svolte in oltre 150 paesi e aree in tutto il mondo, Canon Medical applicherà l’esperienza di NRT in tecnologia avanzata, per un’alta soddisfazione dei clienti e conformità alle normative mediche alle offerte di soluzioni a raggi X esistenti, migliorando ulteriormente l’erogazione dell’assistenza sanitaria in linea con “Made for Life” di Canon Medical ” impegno a migliorare la qualità dell’assistenza ai pazienti – ovunque.

Il CEO di NRT, Mogens Ravn, ha commentato che NRT non vede l’ora di entrare a far parte del Gruppo Canon e di contribuire all’assistenza sanitaria globale offrendo la sua tecnologia avanzata al mercato globale. Il presidente di Canon Medical, Toshio Takiguchi, ha dichiarato: “Con l’aggiunta del segmento di fascia alta di NRT alla nostra gamma, saremo in grado di offrire ai nostri clienti prodotti ancora più attraenti, flessibili e di facile utilizzo. Ci aspettiamo inoltre che la sinergia con l’avanzata tecnologia di NRT, verrà incrementato ancora più il valore ai sistemi a raggi X di Canon”.

Informazioni su Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical offre una gamma completa di soluzioni di imaging medicale, tra cui TAC, radiografia diagnostica e interventistica, ecografia e risonanza magnetica, e una suite completa di soluzioni IT oin campo sanitario in tutto il mondo. In linea con la nostra filosofia Made for Life, i pazienti sono al centro di tutto ciò che facciamo. La nostra missione è fornire ai professionisti sanitari soluzioni che supportino i loro sforzi nel contribuire alla salute e al benessere dei pazienti in tutto il mondo. Il nostro obiettivo è offrire opportunità di salute ottimali per i pazienti attraverso prestazioni, comfort e caratteristiche di sicurezza senza compromessi.

In Canon Medical lavoriamo fianco a fianco con i nostri partner: la nostra comunità medica, accademica e di ricerca. Costruiamo relazioni basate su trasparenza, fiducia e rispetto. Insieme, ci sforziamo di creare soluzioni leader del settore che offrano una migliore qualità della vita.

Informazioni su Nordisk Røntgen Teknik A/S

NRT sviluppa, produce e commercializza sistemi diagnostici a raggi X per il settore sanitario. Nella sede centrale di Aarhus, in Danimarca, soluzioni innovative e uno spirito pionieristico sono la chiave per sistemi a raggi X facili da usare, flessibili e affidabili. Da quando l’azienda è stata fondata all’inizio degli anni ’70, NRT ha fornito più di 3500 sistemi a raggi X a più di 1500 clienti finali in tutto il mondo. I sistemi rappresentano più di quaranta singoli prodotti che hanno preso vita in NRT per contribuire al miglioramento continuo delle tecnologie e dei processi nei reparti radiologici degli ospedali.

Inizio della collaborazione di ricerca sulla prima tomografia computerizzata con Photon Counting del Giappone con il National Cancer Center Japan

Canon Medical Systems Corporation (sede centrale: Otawara, Prefettura di Tochigi, Giappone; Presidente e CEO: Toshio Takiguchi) ha avviato un progetto di ricerca in collaborazione con il National Cancer Center Japan Exploratory Oncology Research & Clinical Trial Center (NCC-EPOC) (Kashiwa, Prefettura di Chiba , Giappone; Direttore: Atsushi Ochiai) e EAST Hospital (Kashiwa, Prefettura di Chiba, Giappone; Direttore: Atsushi Otsu) utilizzando la tomografia computerizzata con photon counting (PCCT), un sistema di imaging diagnostico di nuova generazione. Questa ricerca collaborativa si basa su un accordo quadro formalizzato a luglio 2020 e un accordo di ricerca congiunto siglato a novembre con il National Cancer Center Japan (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Giappone; Direttore: Hitoshi Nakagama).

Il PCCT utilizza un’unità di rilevamento di raggi X di nuova generazione (unità di rilevamento del conteggio dei fotoni), che consente di ottenere immagini basate su raggi X con diversi livelli di energia, consentendo l’identificazione di più componenti materiali e fornendo immagini con eccellenti capacità quantitative. Questo dovrebbe portare a grandi miglioramenti nell’accuratezza diagnostica. Inoltre, grazie alla maggiore risoluzione della PCCT, la rilevabilità delle lesioni dovrebbe essere migliorata con dosi di esposizione ancora più basse rispetto alla TAC convenzionale. Sulla base di queste funzionalità avanzate del sistema, si prevede che PCCT diventi un sistema di imaging TAC di nuova generazione che sarà in grado di offrire un eccezionale valore clinico quando entrerà nella pratica clinica presso le istituzioni sanitarie di tutto il mondo.

Canon Medical Systems e il National Cancer Center Japan hanno lavorato insieme come leader mondiali nello sviluppo e nella produzione di sistemi TAC a raggi X ad altissima risoluzione e hanno dato un grande contributo al progresso dell’assistenza sanitaria. Attraverso questa ricerca congiunta sull’implementazione di sistemi all’avanguardia, Canon Medical Systems e il National Cancer Center Japan lavoreranno per migliorare l’accuratezza nell’analisi quantitativa degli agenti chemioterapici del cancro nel corpo umano e utilizzeranno queste informazioni per valutare gli effetti del trattamento, per valutare la malignità dei tessuti tumorali e per analizzare le differenze nelle caratteristiche dei tessuti al fine di creare nuovo valore clinico in un’ampia gamma di applicazioni.

Canon Medical Systems detiene la maggioranza delle quote di mercato delle apparecchiature di diagnostica per immagini in Giappone* ed è da tempo leader mondiale nello sviluppo di tecnologie TAC avanzate, tra cui un sistema CT con rivelatore di area a 320 strati (Aquilion ONE) e TAC ad altissima risoluzione sistema (Aquilion Precision). Nella ricerca e nello sviluppo di PCCT, Canon Medical Systems sta conducendo una ricerca avanzata nel suo dipartimento di ricerca e sviluppo e sta concentrando la sua esperienza tecnologica sulla raccolta, il trasferimento e l’analisi di enormi quantità di dati ad alta risoluzione. Inoltre, sfruttando appieno l’ampia gamma di tecnologie avanzate di imaging e produzione del Gruppo Canon, Canon Medical Systems si adopererà per accelerare la realizzazione di sistemi di imaging diagnostico di prossima generazione.

Attraverso questi sforzi di ricerca per implementare la PCCT, in collaborazione con il National Cancer Center Japan Exploratory Oncology Research & Clinical Trial Center e l’EAST Hospital, Canon Medical Systems creerà sistemi innovativi made in Japan e continuerà a contribuire al progresso dell’assistenza sanitaria moderna basata su Made for Life.

[Breve descrizione del PCCT]

I rivelatori impiegati in un sistema TAC convenzionale incorporano scintillatori che convertono i raggi X in segnali luminosi. Questi segnali luminosi vengono rilevati da fotodiodi e convertiti in segnali elettrici. I segnali rilevati vengono accumulati durante un periodo di tempo specifico nel sistema di acquisizione dati (DAS) prima di essere emessi. In un sistema PCCT, invece, i raggi X ricevuti dai rivelatori vengono convertiti direttamente in segnali elettrici, consentendo di eseguire l’imaging in base al livello di energia di ciascun fotone. Le informazioni sull’energia ottenute possono essere utilizzate per analizzare più componenti materiali nell’oggetto scansionato. Inoltre, è possibile ottenere una risoluzione più elevata a dosi di esposizione ancora più basse.

* Basato su dati interni dell’azienda per cinque modalità di imaging (TAC, risonanza magnetica, ultrasuoni, raggi X e medicina nucleare).

Canon Medical Streamlines Workflow and Enhances Patient Experience with MR Software Upgrades

New MR Software Features Showcased at ECR 2019

Vienna, Feb. 28, 2019 Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. introduces new software features to enable clinicians to further streamline workflow by consolidating the usual processes of MR exams, saving time while helping to provide a better patient experience.

  • SUREVOI Knee and KneeLine+ allows clinicians to do quick automated localizing scans of the knees to allow for improved workflow. The automated software analysis automatically aligns anatomy for over 95 percent accuracy in determination and placement of standard knee view scans in just one step.
  • WFS DIXON allows clinicians to take four contrasts in just one scan on FSE sequence, including in-phase, opposed , water and fat images. This simultaneous acquisition of standard and fat-suppressed images in a single scan can show uniform fat-suppression in difficult-to-shim areas. The new software is especially significant for workflow in spine and orthopedic MR exams.
  • Quick Star has novel applications that allow for free breathing image acquisition in regions that traditionally require patients to hold their breath. Radial data acquisitions that help with the reduction of artifacts related to motion in the abdomen and any kind of internal motion also allow exams to be completed with fewer breath holds and greater patient comfort.


These new workflow enhancements are available on the Vantage Galan 3T systems, as well as on the newly launched Vantage Orian 1.5T. “The new MRI software enhancements help to expand the versatility of MR even further with faster and higher resolution images so that physicians don’t have to sacrifice image quality or patient comfort for speed,” said Dirk Berneking, Senior Manager of the MR Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.. “With the help of this new advanced imaging technology, health care providers can produce accurate images, while continuing to provide a quick and comfortable exam experience for their patients.”

Canon Medical is showcasing its MRI workflow improvement technologies at this year’s ECR in Vienna, February 28 – March 03, 2019 (Expo X3).

Vantage Galan 3T

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  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Vantage Galan, Vantage Orian, SUREVOI and Made for Life are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

Canon Medical Introduces Collaborative Imaging for Improved Patient-Centric Care

Fusion of Multiple Imaging Modalities with Innovative Clinical Applications Helps Providers Improve Clinical, Operational and Financial Outcomes while Reducing Cybersecurity Risks

Vienna, Austria, 28 February 2019 – Today, Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. launches Collaborative Imaging, a novel approach to health care that puts integrated imaging intelligence at the center of a patient’s journey – enabling providers to deliver patient-centric care. Born from Canon Medical’s “Made for Life” philosophy and its unwavering commitment to innovation and improving the quality of life, Collaborative Imaging enables customers to improve clinical, operational and financial outcomes, while effectively managing and reducing cybersecurity risks. The initiative fuses multiple diagnostic imaging modalities with leading clinical applications to deliver holistic, optimized patient information to health care providers at the point of care.

Collaborative Imaging revolves around four pillars of the patient’s journey:

  • Scan: Intelligent acquisition thanks to innovative imaging modalities.
  • Diagnose: Intelligent processing which integrates advanced visualization algorithms, helping detect, classify, and characterize conditions at the point of image acquisition.
  • Share: Intelligent sharing which seamlessly integrates, optimizes and shares information across all networks – regardless of vendor or system.
  • Analyze: Intelligent analytics for detailed analysis of Canon Medical imaging data throughout the organization to help the practice and highlight opportunities for clinical and operational improvement


Canon Medical Systems recognizes that the healthcare landscape is rapidly changing. With Collaborative Imaging, it is delivering its customers a solution that gives them access to integrated and prioritized information so they can focus on what matters most – the patient. In a rapidly changing marketplace, Collaborative Imaging ensures Canon Medical’s customers are one step ahead with the patient information they need to make the right decisions.

Canon Medical Systems Europe is debuting its Collaborative Imaging platform at this year’s ECR in Vienna, February 28 – March 03, 2019 (Expo X3).

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Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Canon Medical Systems introduces 33 MHz Ultra-High Frequency Transducer to Help Expand the Clinical Applications of Ultrasound

New Transducer Delivers Highest Frequency on the Market

Vienna, Austria, 27 February 2019 – Expanding its advanced, high-performing Aplio i-series ultrasound platform Canon Medical Systems introduces the industry’s first 33 MHz ultra-high frequency linear transducer on Aplio i800 to provide extremely fine detail and spatial resolution in the near field.

The ultra-high frequency transducer uses iDMS and SMI technologies to provide superb resolution and detail for B-mode and Color Flow imaging never seen with conventional, multi-purpose ultrasound devices before, making Aplio i800 ideal for superficial subcutaneous imaging, exams of small joints, superficial nerves, as well as for superficial vascular evaluations. Furthermore, Smart Sensor 3D allows the user to acquire accurate volume images with the 33MHz transducer, also in SMI mode, and visualize microvascular structures in 3D, which can be helpful during surgical planning.

“The Aplio i800 is known for its excellent imaging capability and robust lineup of high-frequency transducers. We are building on that reputation with the introduction of the new 33 MHz ultra-high frequency transducer,” said Geoffrey Pick, Senior Manager of the Ultrasound Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.. “With the new transducer we are expanding the use of ultrasound to new territories, helping customers acquire clear images for confident diagnoses.”

Canon Medical is showcasing the Aplio i800 with its new 33 MHz transducer at this year’s ECR in Vienna, February 28 – March 03, 2019 (Expo X3).

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Made for Life and Aplio are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Canon Medical Forges New Ground with Deep Convolutional Neural Network Image Reconstruction for CT

AiCE Delivers Advanced Image Quality with High Spatial Resolution

Vienna, Austria, 27 February 2019 – Building on its advanced imaging technologies Canon Medical Systems introduces AiCE, a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) image reconstruction technology for CT. AiCE, Advanced Intelligent Clear-IQ Engine, uses Deep Learning technology to differentiate signal from noise so that it removes noise while it preserves true signal.

With the AiCE Deep Learning approach, the DCNN is trained in the factory using perfect High-quality target data from real patient datasets. This patient data is extensively processed with advanced MBIR, Model Based Iterative Reconstruction, which provides optimal image quality and improved spatial resolution for groundbreaking results.

Following training and validation, the AiCE DCNN is then implemented into the CT scanner that allows for reconstruction speeds fast enough for busy clinical environments.

“AiCE quickly produces stunning CT images that are exceptionally detailed and with the low-noise properties that benefits all our patients for a faster and even better diagnosis”, said Henk Zomer, Senior Manager of the CT Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.

Canon Medical is showcasing its AiCE technology at this year’s ECR in Vienna, February 28 – March 03, 2019 (Expo X3).


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Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Canon Medical Systems Debuts All-New Alphenix 4D CT at ECR 2019

Innovative New Combination Pairs Alphenix Sky+ C-arm with Aquilion ONE GENESIS CT and Hybrid Table

Vienna, Feb. 27, 2019 Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. introduces a new, innovative angiography configuration featuring its Alphenix Sky+ C-arm and Hybrid Catheterization Tilt/Cradle Table for interventional procedures with its innovative Aquilion ONE GENESIS CT system. The new pairing, called the Alphenix 4D CT, allows clinicians to efficiently plan, treat and verify in a single clinical setting.

The flexible hybrid system enables streamlined workflow and outstanding range of patient access and coverage. Benefits include:

  • Unprecedented flexibility with innovative C-arm flip, right or left lateral flexibility, speed, and full body 3D imaging capability
  • Outstanding patient access, enabling clinicians to move the system, not the patient, and utilizing the new tilting cradle table
  • DoseRite technology designed to help clinicians minimize patient X-ray exposure while maintaining optimum image quality
  • Boosted productivity with the new Alphenix Workstation which integrates applications to help clinicians plan, analyze and perform interventional procedures
  • Greater control for the clinician with the optional tableside tablet to deliver a fast, seamless and rich workflow experience


“The all new Alphenix 4D CT was designed based on the feedback we’ve received from clinicians. With the Hybrid Catheterization Tilt/Cradle Table and workflow enhancements enabled by the new Alphenix Workstation, we are confident this new system delivers on our customers’ most challenging needs,” said Peter Blonk, Senior Manager of the X-Ray Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. “The new system expands the capabilities of 4D CT even further and creates new opportunities for innovation through intervention.”

Canon Medical is showcasing Alphenix 4D CT at this year’s ECR in Vienna, February 28 – March 03, 2019 (Expo X3).

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Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Canon Medical Systems Launches New Line of Interventional Systems at ECR 2019

Alphenix Features All-New Hi-Def Imaging Detector with Highest Resolution in the Market to Help Clinicians See Fine Details

Vienna, Feb. 25, 2019 Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. introduces its next-generation of interventional systems – the Alphenix platform – to the European market. The new flagship platform of systems incorporates all-new features that enable clinicians to deliver images with clarity and precision without compromising workflow – while prioritizing low dose.

With the launch of the Alphenix family, Canon Medical is also unveiling its exclusive new Hi-Def Detector (High-Definition Flat Panel Detector), which is available on the Alphenix Biplane and Alphenix Core+ systems. Made up of the world’s first high-definition detector – with 76 micron resolution – for resolving fine details, the unique hybrid 12×12 inch panel is combined with high-definition flat panel technology that results in resolutions of 2.6 lp/mm (Standard) and 6.6 lp/mm (Hi-Def Detector). The Alphenix Hi-Def Detector technology helps clinicians see finer details during complex interventional procedures such as stent positioning and stent apposition, wire and catheter navigation through the stent struts, and observation of coil deployment.

In addition to the new Hi-Def Detector, the Alphenix family includes the following new features:

  • Next generation Illuvis technology to reduce image noise with less lag time, as well as to provide clearer images at steep angles while delivering a decreased frame rate that can help reduce dose.
  • Real-Time Auto-Pixel Shift to automatically correct misalignment between the contrast and mask images during DSA and 2D Roadmapping.
  • Optional touch screen tablet to optimize tableside workflow with simplified control functions and the option to assign “favorites” to customize the interface, per physician.


“Canon Medical is redefining what is possible in intervention with the launch of the Alphenix family,” said Peter Blonk, Senior Manager of the X-Ray Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. “With the highest resolution available in the angiography market, our customers now have the ability to perform minimally invasive procedures with clearer images to see fine details.”

Canon Medical is showcasing the new Alphenix and Alphenix Hi-Def Detector technology at this year’s ECR in Vienna, February 28 – March 03, 2019 (Expo X3).

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Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Canon Medical sponsors new and promising AI developments

Artificial Intelligence Exhibition makes Grand Debut at this year’s ECR

Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 22 February 2019 – Making its grand debut at this year’s ECR, the Artificial Intelligence Exhibition (AIX) will bring AI to the heart of Europe’s biggest radiology congress and technical exhibition. Canon Medical is proud to have reached the sponsorship agreement of the AIX Theater. As a major player in healthcare, the company applies advanced data sciences such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning already in the current imaging systems, products and technologies portfolio. The AIX Theatre is open from 28 Feb. – 2 Mar. from 11:00-15:30 hours located in hall X1.

Organized by the ESR, the AIX Theatre is the best place to explore how Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Big Data are reshaping medical imaging and to find out what the future of medical imaging and diagnostics may hold. Featuring keynotes from renowned speakers, interactive panel discussions, and 8-minute pitches from more than 20 innovative companies, the AIX Theatre will deliver illuminating, accessible and exciting content to all attendees.

“We are very pleased to support the various startups, initiatives and promising AI developments in this important and exciting area of our profession”, says Jack Hoogendoorn, Senior Marketing and Brand Manager at Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V.. “Particularly because this great ESR initiative fits seamlessly with Canon Medical’s focus in providing clinical solutions responding to todays and future health care challenges”.

The AIX Theatre offers the opportunity to meet innovative startups and other small to medium companies that are at the forefront of the field, to participate in sessions on the big issues, as well as to get deep insights thanks to self-paced training.

Whether you’re exploring radiological AI for the first time, researching it, or just want to chat about the future over a free juice at the artistic Algorithms Bar, the AIX Theatre is a must visit at ECR 2019.

Advertising acquisition in response to this press release is not appreciated.

Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


  1. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)
  2. Joerg Schlegel – Senior Product Marketing Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe ( | +31 6 43 07 33 42)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical Systems, we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 25 November 2018 – Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. and NRT X-RAY A/S signed a reseller agreement at the Radiology Congress of North America (RSNA) with regards to the sales, service and maintenance of the ADORA high-end DR X-ray system throughout the majority of European countries.

“Striving to continuously enhance the Canon Medical Systems X-ray portfolio, we are pleased to add the next generation, highly innovative and automated Adora system to our range of Digital Radiography systems”, says Mark Holmshaw, CEO and President of Canon Medical Systems Europe. “Both the Adora DRi and the Hybrid (DR & RF) Adora DRFi are true additions to our extensive X-ray product portfolio and we are very pleased to offer it to our customers through our European organization”

“The agreement confirms our long-term cooperation and renewed partnership. With the extensive knowledge, experience, good reputation and acknowledged market position of Canon Medical we see, without a doubt, a bigger future and growth potential for our Adora products”, states Mogens Ravn, CEO NRT X-RAY A/S.

Adora DRi

This system represents the ultimate ergonomic solution that sets new standards for ergonomics, flexibility, comfort and care. Every element and functional aspect of Adora has been designed with end users and patients in mind. Adora’s design with the rotating ceiling unit and independently moving X-ray tube and detector arms, allows the system to perform exposures from practically any angle.

You can position the system anywhere and experience how examinations such as axial hip and patella skyline exposures are faster, easier and more comfortable to perform on a system that is highly flexible. This flexibility can be used to perform exposures on patients who are standing, lying in a patient bed, or sitting in a wheelchair when necessary. The Canon DR detectors and the powerful image processing software ensure that the images are crisp and clear even at low dose exposure.

Adora DRFi

The Adora DRFi represents a new way of thinking the radiology room. Offering the full suite of functions of Adora DRi, with the added option of performing a wide range of dynamic image examinations as well, the Adora DRFi is a perfect match for the fluctuating needs of most radiological departments. It is great for dynamic images, which can be performed anywhere within the X-ray room. Examinations such as gastrointestinal tube placements, swallow studies, are just some of the applications that come with being able to perform fluoro. Intuitive Canon software provides sophisticated image processing for premium diagnostic image quality and the extensive portfolio of docked or wireless and portable detector ensures the highest performance in workflow, sensitivity, image quality and versatility.

Canon Medical and NRT X-RAY A/S signed reseller agreement at RSNA 2018 (Left: Mr. Mark Holmshaw, CEO and President, Canon Medical Systems Europe BV. Right: Mr. Mogens Ravn, CEO NRT X-RAY A/S)

Zoetermeer, the Netherlands/Manchester, United Kingdom, Manchester United Football Club has announced a renewed multi-year agreement with Canon Medical Systems Europe as its official medical systems partner.

The unique partnership will ensure that world-class players continue to gain instant access to advanced imaging equipment to examine injuries and undertake pre-emptive screening for preventable injuries, improving player welfare and maintaining career longevity at an elite level. The collaboration will also continue to push the boundaries of medical research and through translational methods, will benefit patient populations and healthcare professionals internationally.

The agreement between the two iconic organisations was first signed six years ago and top-of-the-range imaging modalities including CT, MRI and Ultrasound were installed into a dedicated Medical Centre at Manchester United’s Aon Training Complex. The renewed contract will continue the diagnostic imaging partnership benefitting players and staff at Manchester United Football Club, clinical communities operating in sports medicine and ultimately patients in the wider world.

Studies seeking the answers to prevent clinical conditions, improve diagnosis or enhance treatment in the areas of cardiology, musculoskeletal (MSK) and sports medicine are regularly undertaken at the Aon Training Complex. Research initiatives conducted throughout the partnership have been presented at high-level European Cardiology conferences, all of which have been very well received. This includes ‘Musculoskeletal MRI in Football Medicine’ and ‘Exercise Myocardial Performance in Adolescent Athletes’ research to extend knowledge and understanding in the fields of sports medicine.

Mark Holmshaw, President and CEO at Canon Medical Systems Europe, said:

“As we continue to develop our medical system partnership with Manchester United Football Club, we do so with enhanced vigour and innovation strengths following our transition from Toshiba Medical Systems to Canon Medical Systems earlier this year. As part of the Canon Group, we are seeing direct results of our collaboration, taking imaging technologies to the next level. Besides this, we can draw on the 100-year medical system pedigree and presence in over 140 countries to ensure access to the latest product and solutions from our research and development teams. Medical technology powers confident diagnoses, speeds up treatment planning and ensures a faster return to the field of play. It is at the heart of modern healthcare, improving outcomes for everyone, whether that is in sports performance, or wider clinical practice.”

Richard Arnold, Group Managing Director at Manchester United, said:

“We are delighted to extend what has been an excellent partnership with Canon Medical Systems over the past six years. At Manchester United, just like at Canon Medical Systems, we pride ourselves on innovation. Our world-class medical team at Manchester United, partnered with the world-class team at Canon has helped us provide our players with the best possible medical care. The feedback from the medical team has been excellent and it is clear that the partnership is making a real difference to player health and career longevity.”

Dr Steve McNally, Head of Sports Medicine and Science at Manchester United, said:

“During the past six years, our partnership has redefined the standard for medical imaging in elite sport. Daily access to state-of-the-art equipment and intelligent technologies has improved responsiveness to clinical presentations. Most importantly, we have developed a concept of ‘performance imaging’ over and above clinical diagnostics.

“By utilising innovative techniques borne out of shared ideas and experiences from Canon Medical’s wider network of experts, we can now profile and monitor our players in ways we have never done before. This not only enhances athlete health and safety but also provides invaluable information to guide the athletic development process. As part of the partnership, we have also shared data that will assist in improving health services for the general public.”

Caption: Mr. Mark Holmshaw, CEO and President of Canon Medical Systems Europe BV (l) and Mr. Richard Arnold, Group Managing Director, Manchester United Football Club during the Premier League match between Manchester United and Leicester City at Old Trafford on August 10, 2018 in Manchester, United Kingdom.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, MRI, ultrasound, diagnostic and interventional X-ray equipment and advanced software that enables visualization and analysis of 2D, 3D, and 4D images of anatomy and physiological functions across the globe. Under the slogan “Made for Life” (Made for Partnerships, Made for Patients, Made for You), Canon Medical Systems is making positive contributions toward hospital management, and provides a range of patient-friendly healthcare systems and services, continuing its long tradition of contributing to healthcare.

More information at

Zoetermeer, 9 May 2018 – Canon Medical Systems Europe B.V. (Canon Medical Europe) and Olea Medical have created a software upgrade for Canon’s MRI Systems that will enable faster, more accurate and cost-effective diagnoses with less stress on patients. The upgrade is available for all of Canon’s current MRI-systems as well as their new systems. Canon Medical Europe will ship the new version of Olea Vision with its MRI products as of May 7. The new version will be available in Europe.

Access to 40 new applications

Canon Medical is a key player in the MRI market, while Olea Medical – part of Canon Medical since 2015 – is renowned for providing the most advanced post-processing solutions for MRI. Together, they offer the best of both worlds. As a leader in developing clinical applications for advanced MRI post-processing, Olea Medical’s innovative solutions allow for image viewing, analysis and processing of even the most complex MRI sequences, and standardize both viewing and analysis capabilities of functional and dynamic imaging datasets acquired with MRI. Moreover, the new Olea Vision developed by Canon Medical and Olea provides the basis for 40 completely new and unique applications for Canon Medical’s customers. All applications can be accessed by using Olea Medical’s viewer Olea Vision.

Olea Vision

Olea Vision redefines the standard for MRI visualization. It is a highly customizable 2D, 3D, 4D DICOM viewer with user-defined hanging protocols that offer several functionalities such as, easy navigation in any DICOM series, 3D data loading & visualization, image manipulation and reconstruction. It also includes subtraction for enhanced diagnostic capabilities. Through adopting the same look and feel as the system’s user interface, M-Power, Olea Vision viewer is a perfect complement to Canon Medical’s MRI system.

Canon Medical Europe and Olea Medical decided to strengthen their collaboration based on the conviction that excellent hardware paired with excellent software can surpass customer’s expectations on what solutions can be provided for patients. With an increased focus on post-processing in MRI, both companies are committed to supporting customers to provide the best possible care for patients.

Canon and Olea: a unique offering

Canon Medical Europe will ship the new version of Olea Vision with newly purchased MRI systems. All applications have a high degree of user-friendliness and intuitiveness, and are available as a trial-version via electronic license by mail.

Notes to the editor:

For more information, please contact Serge Beckers at Wisse Kommunikatie, via +31 26 4431523 or

Alternative contacts

  1. Shayan Khan – e-Marketing & PR manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe
    ( | +31 622 78 70 50)
  2. Jack J.F. Hoogendoorn – Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Systems Europe
    ( | +31 6 51 86 11 92)

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

Canon Medical Systems offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, MRI, ultrasound, diagnostic and interventional X-ray equipment and advanced software that enables visualization and analysis of 2D, 3D, and 4D images of anatomy and physiological functions across the globe. Under the slogan “Made for Life” (Made for Partnerships, Made for Patients, Made for You), Canon Medical Systems is making positive contributions toward hospital management, and provides a range of patient-friendly healthcare systems and services, continuing its long tradition of contributing to healthcare.

More information at

About Olea Medical

Olea Medical®, a Canon Medical Systems Group Company, a provider of advanced MRI and CT perfusion imaging post-processing, designs and markets a suite of innovative medical imaging applications, Olea Sphere®, significantly improving diagnostic process and follow-up assessment. The company has established a strong credibility, through the domestication of cutting-edge technology, and partnerships with leading institutions worldwide. With proprietary Bayesian algorithms and optimization methods applied to medical imaging, today Olea Medical® is the recognized leader in standardized, vendor-neutral, advanced MRI quantitative and qualitative image post-processing. Covering both morphologic and functional imaging, Olea Medical® post-processing solutions bring complex mathematics into clinical practice for easy access to accurate and robust biomarkers for enhanced diagnostic confidence and response-to-treatment assessment. More information at

Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.
Olea Vision, Olea Medical and Olea Sphere are trademarks of Olea Medical SA.

Ootawara Japan, March 7, 2018– Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Headquarters: Otawara, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; President: Toshio Takiguchi) has concluded a contract to acquire shares of Fysicon B.V. (Headquarters: Oss, Netherlands; CEO: Linda Elberse). Fysicon is a leader in healthcare information systems and equipment for obtaining physiological information. The acquisition of Fysicon was completed according to the required approval procedures.

With unique advanced technologies and clinical evidence in the field of hospital IT systems and workflow as the backbone of its business, Fysicon is well-known for developing and manufacturing product families such as cardiovascular monitoring systems and selling them globally. In particular, equipment for reading cardiac waveforms and analyzing cardiac function has been highly evaluated by customers as an advanced product with compact design and intuitive operability.

Due to population aging, prevalence of cardiac diseases and abnormalities such as arrhythmia and myocardial infarction that have been increasing recently, are raising the importance of minimal-invasive treatments that minimize patient discomfort. A wide variety of diagnostic systems (such as X-ray angiography systems) are used as frontline support in such treatment.

Fysicon’s CEO Linda Elberse commented, “We can provide new total solutions for cardiovascular treatment and management through integration of our company with Canon Medical Systems. I believe that the experience and expertise of both parties will surely be useful in helping to solve challenges in clinical practice.” Toshio Takiguchi, President of Canon Medical Systems, said, “I’m really pleased that we can provide new clinical value to patients and medical professionals by combining Fysicon’s advanced technologies with our systems.”

As a first step, by releasing integrated solutions through a combination of Fysicon products and our X-ray angiography systems, mainly in the market outside Japan, Canon Medical Systems will make efforts to further improve workflow in the clinical front line of cardiac disease treatment. In addition, we will strive to realize total care solutions that cover all processes, from pre-operative examination to intra-operative, post-operative, and follow-up examinations, by fusing the healthcare IT technologies of both companies.

Canon Medical Systems will continue to provide products with the latest technologies and services, and further contribute to healthcare throughout the world based on our management philosophy “Made for Life”, which expresses the company’s sincere desire to contribute to healthcare that protects and values human life.

[Fysicon B.V.]

 Company name  Fysicon B.V. (
 Business activities  Development, manufacturing, sales of Healthcare IT products
 Founded  1996
 Headquarters  Netherlands, Oss
 Employees  Around 40 employees


“Made for Life” is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

TOKYO, January 4, 2018—Canon Inc. and Canon Medical Systems Corporation today announced the official corporate name (trade name) change of Canon Group Company Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation to Canon Medical Systems Corporation (hereafter referred to as Canon Medical Systems).

Since joining the Canon Group in December 2016, Canon Medical Systems has been undertaking the procedures for obtaining regulatory approval for integration with the Canon Group and change of the company name under the relevant national or regional laws concerning pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Canon announced that such procedures have been completed, and that the change of the company name enters into effect today.

Since its establishment in 1930, Canon Medical Systems has introduced a number of “world’s first” and “first-in-Japan” medical systems in cooperation with its customers worldwide. With its sales and service network, Canon Medical Systems conducts business globally, providing diagnostic imaging systems to around 140 countries and regions.

Canon Inc. first entered the medical equipment business in 1940 with the development of the first indirect X-ray camera produced in Japan and, utilizing its advanced imaging technologies, currently produces such equipment as digital X-ray imaging systems and OCT ophthalmic devices. Since its founding, the Company has maintained a strong commitment to the medical equipment business, and will further strengthen the business with the aim of contributing to a safe and secure society.

Through its integration with the Canon Group, Canon Medical Systems—in the spirit of the Canon Group corporate philosophy of “kyosei” and its own management slogan of “Made for Life” (Made for Partnerships, Made for Patients, Made for You.)—will continue to expand in order to accelerate the growth of the Canon Group’s medical equipment business and contribute to better healthcare throughout the world.

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation develops and manufactures diagnostic imaging systems including CT, MRI, ultrasound, X-ray systems and clinical laboratory systems and provides them to around 140 countries and regions around the world, offering technology that provides faster diagnosis and early treatment. Under the slogan “Made for Life” (Made for Partnerships, Made for Patients, Made for You.), Canon Medical Systems is making positive contributions toward hospital management, and provides a range of patient-friendly healthcare systems and services.

Company Name: Canon Medical Systems Corporation
President and Chief Executive Officer: Toshio Takiguchi
Headquarters: 1385 Shimoishigami, Otawara-shi, Tochigi, Japan

# # #

For further information please contact Karl Bruder (tel: 03-5482-8055; fax: 03-5482-5130; e-mail: or David Kelly (tel: 03-5482-8058; fax: 03-5482-5130; e-mail:

Zoetermeer, June 9th 2017 – Canon Medical Systems Europe introduces its next-generation 80-row multi-slice CT scanner, Aquilion Prime SP, at this year’s UKRC (12-14 June, Manchester, UK). The Aquilion Prime SP incorporates a wide range of Canon Medical’s premium technologies to meet the increasing healthcare demands of superior imaging, improved workflow and outstanding economic performance.

“Aquilion PRIME is a very successful product in our market. Our customers value the system’s strong performance and ease of use. With the new Aquilion Prime SP we take the next step by introducing major improvements in functionality, imaging performance and clinical applications” says Henk Zomer, Senior Manager of the European CT Business Unit.

He continues: “Aquilion Prime SP makes it possible to perform examinations at lower exposure and iodine doses, while acquiring high-resolution images thanks to breakthrough technologies such as PUREViSION™ Optics. In addition, the scanner incorporates cutting-edge clinical applications which further enhance throughput to ensure outstanding efficiency and high quality diagnostics.”

PUREViSION provides significantly improved imaging efficiency from photon generation to detection and by making up to 40% more efficient use of X-rays, the innovative PUREViSION detector allows clinicians to minimize patient dose while improving image quality.

Aquilion Prime SP also enables automated kV selection based on a patient’s size and the clinical task selected. As part of Canon Medical’s SUREExposure™ technology, this function can help to further optimize the use of iodine contrast, decreasing cost and patient risk.

Aquilion Prime SP offers a comprehensive suite of Adaptive Diagnostic solutions to make complex exams faster improving diagnostic precision and reproducibility. The dose-neutral metal artifact reduction technology SEMAR™ (Single Energy Metal Artifact Reduction) utilizes a sophisticated reconstruction technique to remove artifacts caused by metal and thus improves visualization of the implant. Dual Energy helps identify calcifications and iodine maps and virtual non-contrast images improve lesion detectability. Canon Medical’s proprietary Iodine Mapping technology clearly depicts perfusion at low dose and iodine levels.

Aquilion Prime SP also features the new 3-phase Variable Helical Parameters (3-phase VHP) allowing a change in imaging parameters and table speed within the same exam helping to save time, dose and cost. Combining up to three protocols into one single scan helps you make excellent use of contrast media while reducing patient dose and motion artifacts.

Aquilion Prime SP truly delivers complete clinical capability.

======= ENDS=========

Aquilion, PUREViSION, SUREExposure, SEMAR are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems corporation.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe
With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group company, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

As of December 2016, Canon Medical became a member of the Canon Group. We will change its name to Canon Medical Systems Corporation around the beginning of 2018. Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life.

Canon Medical Launches New 80-Row CT Scanner Aquilion™ Prime SP With Complete Clinical Capability

Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 07 June 2017 – Toshiba Medical has announced the appointment of Mark Holmshaw as the President and CEO of Toshiba Medical Systems Europe. He has assumed his responsibilities as of May 1st and will succeed Hiroyuki Tachikawa after his four years heading the European organisation.

Mark has been working for Toshiba Medical for 27 years. Beginning as an engineer in Service, he moved into the Sales environment at Toshiba Medical UK before being promoted to the position of Vice President Sales, Marketing and Service at Toshiba Medical Europe in 2012.

With an impressive track record in engineering, sales and management, Mark Holmshaw is looking forward to further strengthen and enhance the companies’ position in the healthcare industry. Partnership, innovation and clear communication are key elements in his strategy to drive the business forward.

“I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to use my strong people skills and years of knowledge and expertise in realising our challenging objectives and bring our organization to the next level.” said Mark Holmshaw. “Key are our dedicated people and their friendly, professional and customer centric attitude. They are our main differentiator and something I strongly believe in: it’s all about the people. I am confident that, now being part of the Canon family, our organization will become much stronger in every aspect of doing business and I’m looking very much forward to making this happen.”


Made for Life is a trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

Jack Hoogendoorn Senior Manager Marketing, Canon Medical Europe (+31651861192)

About Mark Holmshaw
Mark joined Toshiba in 1991 from a position within Philips Medical Systems. He started his career with Toshiba Medical in the service group before moving to a sales role in the UK in 1996. From there he moved to sales management and regional management until 2010 when he was appointed as Business Unit Manager for X-Ray in Europe and subsequently moved to the Netherlands. In 2012, he was appointed Vice President for Sales, Service and Marketing in Toshiba Medical Europe before transitioning to his current position from May this year.

About Toshiba Medical Systems Europe
Toshiba Medical Systems Europe, a Canon Group organization, headquartered in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and interventional X-ray equipment. For more information, visit the Toshiba Medical Systems Europe website:

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation
As of December 2016, TOshiba Medical became a member of the Canon Group. We will change its name to Canon Medical Systems Corporation around the beginning of 2018. Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our continued Made for Life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life. For more information, visit the Canon Medical Systems Corporation website:

Mark Holmshaw Appointed President and CEO of Toshiba Medical Systems Europe


“We hope to address the expanding variety of health care needs around the world by combining technologies.”

Read article

“Consider me part of this family,” said Canon Chairman and CEO Fujio Mitarai to Canon Medical management at a meeting in January

Read article

Zoetermeer, February 24, 2017 – Canon Medical is showcasing its versatile and re-vamped InfinixTM-i X-ray angiography product line at this year’s ECR (Booth #16, Hall X2). The Infinix-i systems deliver optimum image quality, industry leading and unique dose management tools and unprecedented flexibility and patient access for anything from embolization, angioplasty, shunt repair or virtually any other image-guided procedure, including those in hybrid OR settings. “Our popular angio line was further strengthened with the recent relaunch of the Infinix-i Sky + which allows clinicians to move the C-arm around the patient, rather than the other way around,” said René Degros, X-Ray Business Unit Manager, Canon Medical Systems Europe.

The current Infinix-i lineup features the following systems:

  • Infinix-i Core: Designed specifically for routine interventional vascular procedures with a compact single-plane C-arm at an affordable price-point.
  • Infinix-i Core +: Our patented multi-axis single-plane, floor-mounted system achieves outstanding angulations that are optimal for routine and complex interventional radiology procedures. Ergonomic design allows monitor viewing from anywhere in the room, designed to help clinicians improve clinical workflow.
  • Infinix-i Sky: Designed to move around you and your patient so procedures can be performed more comfortably, safely and efficiently. This allows for optimal angulations with unprecedented head-to-toe and fingertip-to-fingertip coverage. Continuously maintains a heads-up display during compound angles with synchronized rotating collimator and FPD.
  • Infinix-i Sky +: With 3D imaging anywhere, the Infinix-i Sky + combines Canon Medical’s unique double sliding C-arm design to deliver unprecedented flexibility and quality. With an innovative C-arm flip and 3D imaging from anywhere, head-end, left or right side, the system is ideal for advanced interventional radiology and oncology procedures.
  • Infinix-i Hybrid: An optimized and comfortable hybrid OR environment which allows you to create a fully customized hybrid solution to exactly meet your specific clinical needs.
  • Infinix-i Hybrid +: Designed around clinicians, staff and patients to maximize flexibility, minimize exposure and optimize image quality during hybrid procedures combined with high speed 3D anywhere. So for any procedure you’re always perfectly positioned for greater efficiency and patient safety.
  • Infinix-i Bi-plane: The only 3-in-1 bi-plane room that combines the flexibility of floor- and ceiling-mounted positioners with simplified bi-plane positioning for unprecedented access and coverage. Designed for interventional neuro procedures, the system operates as a fully functional single-plane system when the lateral plane is not required.
  • Infinix-i Dual-plane: The only system without compromise that offers two dedicated C-arms with different FPD size to help clinicians treat more patients cost-effectively, and can perform cardiac and vascular procedures in one and the same room.
  • Infinix-i 4D CT: Seamlessly integrates the interventional lab with a Dynamic Volume 640 slice CT covering an entire organ in one rotation. This concept allows clinicians to plan, treat and verify in a single clinical setting during high-risk procedures.


More information about the Infinix-i product line can be found at our web site


Infinix and Made for Life are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


About Canon Medical

Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. As of December 2016, Canon Medical became a member of the Canon Group. In line with our continued Made For life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life.



Aplio i-series Features Revolutionary Technology, Outstanding Image Quality, Intuitive Ergonomics and Advanced Features for Highest Diagnostic Confidence and Patient Care

Zoetermeer, February 24, 2017 – Giving healthcare providers the dramatic performance improvements needed to expand the clinical utility of ultrasound to meet the current and future challenges of the healthcare system, Canon Medical has introduced the ultra-premium Aplio™ i-series ultrasound platform. The Aplio i-series’ powerful performance helps increase diagnostic confidence substantially and offers a more cost-effective, less invasive and safe solution in imaging diagnostics and intervention.

The Aplio i-series is a new-generation, ultra-high performance, scalable platform. Specifically the Aplio i700 and Aplio i800 offer ideal solutions for Radiology and Shared Service departments with a high patient throughput.

Both systems are based on iPerformance technologies that deliver extreme processing power allowing sonographers to see more clinical detail faster and easier. A new beamforming technology – iBeam – optimizes imaging efficiency with enhanced penetration, as well as increased spatial and contrast resolution, while minimizing artifacts and clutter. The Aplio i800 offers advanced clinical applications, including Canon Medical’s exclusive intelligent Dynamic Micro Slice (iDMS) matrix probe technology. An ultra-high frequency transducer operating at up to 24 MHz opens a new horizon for clinicians to image anatomy and perfusion of superficial structures in the sub-millimeter range.

Based on the iSense design concept the Aplio i-series provides intuitive ergonomics to boost productivity in the daily routine and for complex exams. The systems offer an intuitive user interface, which visually guides the clinician through the exam to simplify system operation, while improving workflow efficiency. To make ultrasound exams easier and faster, the systems feature tablet-style touch screens and real-time Quick Scan, which optimizes the image quality automatically and instantaneously.

“The Aplio i-series sets a new standard in premium diagnostic ultrasound. The systems combine latest leading-edge imaging technology with advanced clinical applications, providing our customers the most powerful and efficient solution to meet their healthcare challenges today and into the future,” said Dr. Christoph Simm, Senior Manager of the Ultrasound Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe. “The systems’ advanced workflow concept and ergonomic design are the basis for substantially enhanced patient comfort and throughput, as well as for a reduced risk of RSI for the operator.”

Canon Medical is showcasing the Aplio i700 and Aplio i800 at this year’s ECR (Booth #16, Hall X2).

More information about the Aplio i-series can be found at our web site

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Aplio and Made for Life are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


About Canon Medical

Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. As of December 2016, Canon Medical became a member of the Canon Group. In line with our continued Made For life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life.

Canon Medical’s New 3T MR Makes Quick Neuro Exams a Reality
Increased SNR on the Vantage Galan 3T Helps Shorten Exams and Improve Image Quality

Zoetermeer, February 27, 2017 – Opening new opportunities for 3T MRI in both routine and advanced imaging, Canon Medical launches its all-new Vantage GalanTM 3T MRI scanner. The system offers healthcare providers an everyday solution for high-quality 3T imaging that is fast and comfortable for patients.

The Vantage Galan 3T is a premium MR solution with a comprehensive range of clinical applications including neuro, musculoskeletal, abdominal, cardiovascular, breast and prostate. The Vantage Galan 3T is designed to increase signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by up to 20 percent, allowing for faster sampling and higher resolution images thanks to its PURERF and Saturn technologies. This, combined with the ability to stack protocol sequences, results in quick neuro exams. Initial indications suggest the following neuro sequences can be performed in under five minutes: SAG T1, AX T2, AX T2 FLAIR, AX T2* and AX DWI/ADC.

Additionally, the system enhances diagnostic confidence with new advanced clinical applications and helps make exams easy to perform with EasyTech workflow solutions, which streamline positioning and scanning.

Prioritizing patient comfort, the system makes scanning even more quiet with Pianissimo™ Zen technology that reduces sound during acquisition by up to 99 percent. The Vantage Galan 3T expands access to bariatric and claustrophobic patients with its 71 cm patient aperture. The system’s immersive in-bore MR Theatre option further helps minimize patient anxiety and claustrophobia.

The system’s eco design reduces energy costs and makes the system easy to install, even in smaller spaces. “With its perfectly balanced hard­ware and software package, the Vantage Galan 3T is impres­sive. Its compact design and low space requirement were impor­tant factors for me in making the decision to purchase.” said Dr. Clemens Roznowicz from Marienhospital Brühl and Sana Hospital Hürth, Germany.

“The introduction of the Vantage Galan 3T represents a major breakthrough in the clinical applications of 3T imaging,” said Dirk Berneking, Senior Manager of the MR Business Unit at Canon Medical Systems Europe. “While 3T has often been limited to university settings, the capabilities of the Vantage Galan 3T open up a new world of possibilities for both advanced research use and routine clinical settings. The system dramatically simplifies complex exams and offers patients a quiet and comfortable experience, allowing healthcare providers to offer high quality MR imaging to their patients.”

Canon Medical is showcasing the new Vantage Galan 3T at this year’s ECR (Booth #16, Hall X2).

More information about Vantage Galan 3T can be found at our web site


Vantage, Vantage Galan and Pianissimo are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.


About Canon Medical

Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. As of December 2016, Canon Medical became a member of the Canon Group. In line with our continued Made For life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life.

Otawara, Tochigi, Jan. 30, 2017 – Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical; headquarters: Otawara, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; President: Toshio Takiguchi) has decided on a new company name, “Canon Medical Systems Corporation”. The new company name will be officially introduced around the beginning of 2018 after regulatory procedures with the pharmaceutical and medical equipment authorities of each country regarding the name change are completed.

Canon Medical was established with capital provided by Tokyo Denki (Tokyo Electric Company, one of the companies that merged to form Canon Corporation) in 1930, and expanded its business globally, focusing on diagnostic imaging systems including X-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound. Canon Medical has the No. 1 market share in Japan and provides high-quality, reliable medical equipment and services to over 140 countries worldwide.

Canon Medical became independent of the Canon Group in March 2016, and decided to change the company name after officially becoming a subsidiary of Canon Inc. in December 2016.

As in the past, Canon Medical will continue to strengthen and expand the healthcare business, which is strategically important to Canon. Canon Medical will remain committed to contributing to healthcare worldwide under its management slogan “Made for Life”, while aiming to expand and achieve continued growth.

Described as ‘a breakthrough CT system’ back in 2007, Canon Medical introduced the world’s very first dynamic volume CT scanner, the Aquilion ONE™. Driven by the clinical need for a volume scanner, the Aquilion ONE’s unique Area Detector opened doors to new ways of medical imaging. Ten years later, Canon Medical is celebrating this memorable introduction.

The introduction of the Aquilion ONE proved to be just the start of a revolutionary new way of medical imaging. With the launch of the new system in 2007, it became possible for physicians to not only view a three-dimensional depiction of an organ for the first time, but also the organ’s dynamic blood flow and function.

Both helical and multislice imaging are great milestones in the history of CT. The Aquilion ONE provided the next leap forward in CT technology. Unlike any other, the system provides the possibility to scan organs (including the heart and brain) in one rotation, as it covers up to 16 cm of anatomy using 320 ultra-high resolution 0.5 mm detector elements.

As clinical needs continually change, Canon Medical has collaborated with Key Opinion Leaders globally to further improve CT capabilities and push the boundaries of imaging even further forward. As new software developments provided more powerful tools, the possibilities for volumetric imaging extended even further.

With the introduction of the Aquilion ONE™ ViSION Edition in 2012, faster acquisitions became possible, enabling higher heart rates to be imaged at lower dose and even faster pediatric scans to be made. Together, with the introduction of Iterative reconstruction techniques and the efficient PUREViSION detector, another important leap forward in development in the evolution of dynamic volume CT occurred. The PUREViSION detector delivers 4D dynamic capabilities at high resolution with dose levels approaching those in routine diagnostic studies.

Just as Canon Medical revolutionized CT with the introduction of the Aquilion ONE in 2007 and the Aquilion ONE ViSION Edition in 2012, the introduction of the Aquilion ONE™ GENESIS Edition in 2016 marked the next step in Area Detector CT for Canon Medical. The Aquilion ONE GENESIS Edition provides the user with techniques similar to conventional X-Ray. Additionally, the system is smaller, faster and is equipped with the latest PUREViSION Optics for improved image quality and lower dose.

This remarkable 10 year journey has resulted in unique software features and hardware developments that have changed our perspectives on CT. During our celebration of ‘10 Years of Area Detector CT’ you will discover and learn more about the beginning, present and future of Canon Medical’s Area Detector CT.

Stay tuned via our web site at:


Aquilion ONE and Aquilion are trademarks of Canon medical Systems Corporation.

About Canon Medical

Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including CT, X-Ray, Ultrasound and MR, across the globe. In line with our Made For life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide. Our goal is to deliver optimum health opportunities for patients through uncompromised performance, comfort and safety features.

At Canon Medical we work hand in hand with our partners – our medical, academic and research community. We build relationships based on transparency, trust and respect. Together as one, we strive to create industry-leading solutions that deliver an enriched quality of life.

Canon Medical Contacts:

Otawara, Tochigi, Dec 19th, 2016 – As a result of the recent completion of the competition law process by Canon Inc. (Canon), Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical) would like to announce that it has joined the Canon group as of today.

As a Canon group company, Canon Medical will build a synergistic relationship based on the strengths of both Canon and Canon Medical in order to facilitate and expand our healthcare business globally.

Canon Medical will retain its company name and brand for a certain period of time and will inform you when a new corporate name and brand are determined.

September 20, 2016 – Canon Medical will introduce its newest premium Ultrasound system for Women’s Heath at the World Congress of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, which will be held from September 25 – 28 in Rome, Italy.

Aplio i-series combines superior image quality with the most advanced clinical applications in a highly intuitive design. This system takes diagnostic confidence and clinical capabilities to a new level while increasing workflow and productivity. Aplio i-series is the result of Canon Medical’s 50 years of dedication to ultrasound and partnerships with leading obstetricians from around the world.

Christoph Simm, Ultrasound Business Unit Manager, Canon Medical Europe explains: “With the new Aplio i-series we are extending our product line to the very top end with unique imaging and processing performance, which is reflected in outstanding image quality, ease of use, and a fantastic potential for new applications. Together with the current Aplio 500/400/300 Platinum series and the Xario 200/100 Platinum series we are offering our customers a very rich spectrum of attractive ultrasound products in the field of OB/GYN.”

The new iBeam-forming architecture provides enhanced image quality thanks to sharper, more homogenous ultrasonic beams. This further strengthens Canon Medical’s leading position in 2D image quality, which is most important in first trimester scanning and early detection of abnormalities.

Simplified controls, a visual guided user interface and automated image optimization features help to boost productivity, even during the more complex examinations, without compromising on accuracy and precision.

Newly developed transducers for the Aplio i-series are again setting a new standard for routine scanning and advanced prenatal diagnosis by utilizing intelligent Dynamic Micro-slicing (iDMS) and new beam-forming technologies such as iBeam. According to Petra Labs, Clinical Market Manager Ultrasound Women’s Health Care, Canon Medical Systems Europe, “These ultra-wide band transducers can cover with superior sensitivity, spatial and contrast resolution finest diagnostics from the earliest pregnancy to full term, while helping to reduce cost and increase efficiency”.

Next to improving its existing 3D applications such as Luminance 4D and Fly Thru virtual endoscopy, Canon Medical offers two completely new volume scanning technologies on the new platform:
With Smart Sensor 3D obstetricians can use 2D transducers to reconstruct highly accurate 3D volumes, allowing precise measurements to be performed. Shadow Glass provides clinicians volumes that contain more information about internal structures in relation with tissue borders.

Canon Medical’s unique Superb Micro-vascular Imaging (SMI) technology has been further advanced, providing more vascular detail in ultra-low velocity flow imaging to reveal minute vessels in fetus and mother, never seen before with ultrasound. Dr. Jader Cruz, Portugal emphasizes: “SMI is proving to be an important new tool during first trimester cardiac assessment. It gives more confidence when assessing the fetal heart in the first trimester, especially the outflow tracts.” Dr. Danielle Tournarde, France added: “With Smart Fusion we can merge live ultrasound imaging with pre-acquired MRI data, making it easy to locate anomalies in complex anatomy quickly and safely.”

With the introduction of Aplio i-series and Diamond Sponsorship at the ISUOG World Congress, Canon Medical aims to further expand its leading capabilities in ultrasound imaging in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Canon Medical introduces two new premium systems for Women’s Healthcare: Aplio i800 and Aplio i700.

About Canon Medical
Canon Medical offers a full range of diagnostic medical imaging solutions including Ultrasound, CT, X-Ray, and MR, across the globe. In line with our Made For life philosophy, patients are at the heart of everything we do. Our mission is to provide medical professionals with solutions that support their efforts in contributing to the health and wellbeing of patients worldwide so that together our industry-leading solutions deliver an enriched quality of life.

Canon Medical Systems Corporation website

Aplio and Xario are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation

(Leipzig, May 4, 2016 ) Aquilion ONE/GENESIS Edition, the new CT scanner is a flagship model that goes beyond the evolution of Area Detector CT. Intensive clinically focused research and breakthrough technological development have culminated in a new CT system delivering superior image quality and reduced radiation dose requirements.

Building on more than 10 years of clinical experience in Area Detector Technology, GENESIS Edition transforms CT for superior and safer patient care.

GENESIS Edition offers improved X-ray detector functionality through a complete redesign of the system together with high-quality image processing and lower radiation doses than ever before ,” said Mr. Henk Zomer, General Manager of CT-BU.

GENESIS Edition is empowered by FIRST, the world’s first volumetric Model Based Iterative Reconstruction (MBIR) that is fully integrated into scan protocols.  Able to reconstruct a volume scan in just a few minutes, FIRST can be applied in clinical workflows, transforming CT image quality with improved spatial resolution at less dose.

GENESIS Edition has been designed with a unique flared gantry, providing a wide-open space for better patient experience.  The industries only Area Detector Gantry with 30 degrees bidirectional tilt enables angled scanning to avoid unnecessary exposure to radiosensitive organs.

A world first laser collimation system provides the ease of x-ray in CT, making CT scans faster and more comfortable for the patient, without the need for a scanogram.

GENESIS Edition is smaller, lighter and requires less power than any other Area Detector CT” said Mr. Zomer. “Designed for an installation space of just 19m2, GENESIS Edition can be installed in most existing CT rooms, reducing costly renovations and transforming the workspace’ he said.

GENESIS Edition will be introduced in Europe at the DRK (Deutcher Röntgen Kongress), which will be held in Leipzig, Germany from May 4 to May 6 and will be exhibited at the Canon booth, to be found Halle 2 / Stand C26.


About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

Aquilion ONE, Aquilion ONE GENESIS and Aquilion are trademarks of Canon medical Systems Corporation.

VIENNA – Access, speed and coverage make Canon’s INFINIX-i Rite Edition the right choice for interventional angiography. This groundbreaking C-arm system will be presented at ECR 2016 (European Congress for Radiology), March 2-6, in Vienna.

“Our approach is simple: it’s the equipment that moves around the patient and not the other way around”, says René Degros, Business Unit Manager for X-Ray with Canon Medical Systems Europe. And indeed his engineering team took this simple approach to an entirely new level. Left or right side of the patient, from head to toe, C-arm over or under the patient couch: The ceiling-mounted C-arm moves around the patient giving the interventional team fast patient access while catheters stay in place. Moreover, the INFINIX-i Rite Edition is easily out of the way during a procedure. The physician can simply move the C-arm aside, thanks to its unique lateral arm movement. “Room to move translates into optimized visualization and positioning in the examination room”, Degros says about this new “3D anywhere” system as it is already being called among physicians.

The INFINIX-i Rite Edition’s C-arm flips and rotates in any direction and the flat panel detector can be placed beneath the patient table. Detector and beam collimator are automatically synchronized. The image is always displayed heads up on the physician’s monitor, no matter what angulation is required for image acquisition.

As interventional procedures become more complex, advanced 3D acquisition becomes a must-have. With 210 degrees, the INFINIX-i Rite Edition offers the largest anatomical coverage of any hybrid imaging suite. It rotates with an amazing speed of 80 degrees per second, doing away with motion artefacts for crisp, unmatched 3D image quality while reducing the use of contrast media.

Engineering of the INFINIX-i Rite Edition began from the ground up to clear the clutter underfoot and to open the interventional room for unprecedented clinical freedom of movement by enhancing flexibility and improving workflow.

Redesigned for this flagship system, the flat panel detector covers 30 cm x 40 cm providing greater diagnostic information.

To improve workflow the physician can program customizable tableside controls for specific functionalities, such as movement of the table, the C-arm or auto-positioning of the C-arm.

Integrated with the INFINIX-i Rite Edition is Canon’s DoseRite that includes a range of tools and technologies to dramatically reduce radiation exposure for interventional teams as well as patients, including Live Zoom, RiteSpot and the real-time DTS (Dose Tracking System).

Canon Infinix-i Rite Edition for high-speed 3D from head to toe













For more information about the INFINIX-i Rite Edition and its uses, visit Canon at our booth 320 in Expo X2.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion). To find out more about Canon, visit

VIENNA – Canon Medical Systems Europe will be showing off OrthoMod 3D, a new 3D spinal imaging technology, at the ECR 2016 (European Congress for Radiology), March 2-6, in Vienna.

OrthoMod 3D combines optic information about back morphology with a classic radiographic image of the spine (stitching) to yield a 3D model of the vertebral column. The 3D model gives a complete view of the spine so practitioners can thoroughly evaluate spine deformities in pathologies including scoliosis, kyphosis, vertebral compression, posture and balance anomalies, and dorsopathy. The 3D model provides valuable information about the rotations and twists in the spine that are not possible to evaluate in traditional 2D.

Before OrthoMod 3D, getting 3D information usually meant a visit to a scanner or MRI for other exams. This new technology allows access to 3D information with no additional dose, compared to a 2D exam.

“The new spinal imaging solution is extremely accessible,” says René Degros, Business Unit Manager for X-Ray with Canon Medical Systems Europe, “and it can be easily integrated into an existing R/F or RAD suite equipped with digital full spine. It is particularly suited for practices focusing on radiology, pediatrics, orthopedics and ambulatory surgery.”

Canon is the official distributor of OrthoMod 3D, a technology developed by AXS Medical, a division of DMS-Apelem, the French manufacturer of high-end radiology solutions and a leader in stereo-radiographic imaging and 3D modeling tools for orthopedic applications.

Canon OrthoMod 3D for 3D Spine assessment



















For more information about OrthoMod 3D technology, visit the Canon booth 320 in Expo X1.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion). To find out more about Canon, visit

VIENNA – The INFINIX 4DCT from Canon Medical Systems Europe is making high-risk clinical cases easier, safer and faster. Interventional radiologists and other clinicians can get a close-up view of this state of the art angio-CT concept at ECR 2016 (European Congress for Radiology), March 2-6, in Vienna.

Cone-beam CT is a great tool but has several limitations particularly with regard to field of view, breathing instructions, resolution, and radiation dose.

In the past, when a patient underwent a high-risk intervention using conventional cone-beam CT but image quality was considered to be insufficient, he had to be transferred to a full-fledged CT scanner in another room – an interruption which could take up to an hour and left the patient vulnerable during the wait.

With Canon’s INFINIX 4DCT a full CT scan can be done immediately using a powerful hybrid imaging system that combines the world’s most flexible angio suite with the most advanced dynamic volume CT. It gives the medical team new capabilities for planning the intervention, treatment and follow-up.

INFINIX 4DCT can be configured with an angiography system and one of four Aquilion CTs: the 32-slice Aquilion Large Bore, the 160-slice Aquilion PRIME, the 640-slice Aquilion ONE and the 640-slice Aquilion ONE Vision Edition. Unique to the INFINIX 4DCT configuration with the 640-slice Aquilion ONE is the 16 cm full anatomical coverage that adds a fourth dimension to the 3D full volume scans by showing time lapse images in a cine model.

Canon’s signature wide detector CT technology with up to 16 cm coverage in a single rotation provides outstanding ability in a wide range of procedures including cardiac, neuro, interventional oncology and trauma.

It also brings a new dimension to procedures, such as gastric-intestinal (GI) bleeding, bronchial artery embolization, complex endoleak embolization or drainage. While, for example, locating a GI bleed can be very difficult in angio view or cone-beam CT due to motion artefacts caused by breathing, a CT scanner in the room instantaneously provides high-quality images.

The INFINIX 4DCT suite integrates Canon’s SUREGuidance for rapid, accurate target positioning be it to view a reference slice for pathology or to precisely target a position loaded from the angio image.

“Such a system with a CT scanner takes us one step further by acquiring anatomical and functional data simultaneously with high spatial and temporal resolution,” says René Degros, Business Unit Manager X-Ray Europe. “No other modality has this field of view and this level of detail.”

While clinicians may think they are covering an entire tumor with angio, INFINIX 4DCT shows signs of other arteries that might be feeding the tumor, Dugros points out. “It becomes easier to locate these extrahepatic feeders and ensure we treat the entire tumor.”

INFINIX 4DCT also incorporates DoseRite and AIDR3D functions that optimize image quality at low-dose exposures with iterative reconstruction and Canon’s Adaptive Diagnostics functionalities for bone-free contrast-enhanced imaging.

“Each intervention holds a risk,” says Degros. “Yet if we bring a CT scanner into the room, we have the option to do studies that can give us clear endpoints, to determine whether we have treated the patient’s condition sufficiently and not expose the patient to further risk caused by additional interventions.”

Canon Infinix 4D CT

For more information about the INFINIX 4D CT and its uses, visit Canon at our booth 320 in Expo X2.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion). To find out more about Canon, visit

VIENNA – Imagine telling your anxious patients that they can have virtual reality experiences while getting an MRI. It’s not a far-off fantasy. It is reality with technology developed by Canon Corp. and Canon Medical Systems and it will be on display during the ECR (European Congress for Radiology), March 2-6, in Vienna.

Canon has been focused on easing MRI stress for quite some time and previously released a 72-cm large-aperture open-bore MRI system with Pianissimo quiet scan technology. This newly developed projection technology expands on that concept and further improves patient comfort while reducing stress during the MRI exam by projecting high-reality images onto a dome-shaped screen.

The semi-transparent dome screen moves in synchronization with the patient table installed inside the bore. Images are projected onto the dome screen and bore cover from a projector installed behind the MRI system from a location that is unaffected by the magnetic field. The images are reflected by a mirror on the patient table, providing a view that helps take the patient’s attention away from the actual examination space.

Canon Corp. developed the core technologies used in the in-vehicle head-up display and ultra-high presence head-mounted display systems. In addition to the center field, where the colors and shapes of objects are processed, image stimulus is applied to the peripheral field, where special depth and width and object movements are processed, achieving high-reality images with a view angle as wide as 60 degrees or more. The images appear as if they were much further away than the bore core, providing an expansive and bright virtual space for the patient. “A virtual reality that substantially improves patient comfort during the procedure”, says Dirk Berneking, Business Unit Manager MRI with Canon Medical Systems Europe. The images can be viewed continuously without changing the image size even as the table moves during the MRI exam.

Combined with noise reduction, this new technology will help make a patient more comfortable and less anxious while in the MRI bore. Canon is striving for early commercial release of this newest MRI feature.

Canon in-bore MRI head-up display

For more information about virtual reality image technology in MRI systems, visit Canon at our booth 320 in Expo X2.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion). To find out more about Canon, visit

VIENNA – Canon Medical Systems Europe is launching the Innovation 2016 upgrade for the Aplio Platinum line of ultrasound systems – an impressive portfolio of premium features assembled over the past 12 months – and visitors to the ECR (European Congress of Radiology) March 2-6 in Vienna will get a first-hand look and feel at the company’s leading-edge technologies.

Assembled as a toolkit for clinicians, Innovation 2016 upgrade brings new capabilities to radiologists using the Aplio Platinum line in everyday practices, including 3D Superb Micro-Vascular Imaging (SMI), 3D Shear Wave Elastography, Fusion Imaging and Real-Time 3D Needle Tracking.

“Providing these enhancements delivers on Canon’s commitment to putting customers first by continuously adding value to the existing platform through upgrades with the most advanced technology available”, said Christoph Simm, Ultrasound Business Manager of Canon Medical Systems Europe.

SMI is considered a game-changer since it allows clinicians to see smaller vessels in and around tumors, inflamed tissues, lymph nodes and other structures because of visualization of low velocity flow far beyond the conventional Doppler techniques. Significantly, visualization of microvasculature is improved without the need for contrast agents.

Another important feature is enhanced Smart Fusion imaging on the Aplio 500 Platinum Series combined with the new Real-Time 3D Needle Tracking. The combination can greatly extend a clinic’s ability to respond to increasing demand for biopsies and ablations of tumors. Once the CT or MRI data is loaded into the Aplio system, the image-fusion guided procedure can be performed under real-time ultrasound control in a very convenient and quick set-up wherever a patient can be correctly positioned. There is no longer a need to wait for a theater with an intraoperative CT or MRI when using Smart Fusion imaging and Real-Time 3D Needle Tracking.

Shear Wave Elastography has been integrated into the Aplio Platinum platform, making a significant clinical impact by adding unique features for mapping and quantifying tissue elasticity via shear wave propagation. Clinicians are able to better diagnose and document disease because the new enhancement displays simultaneous views of the shear wave propagation  in a region of interest with the absolute value of elasticity, giving them confidence in the quality and reliability of the exam. In the Innovation 2016 version, shear wave elasticity maps can be measured even in 3D.

logo Innovation 2016








To learn more about the Innovation 2016 with the Version 6 upgrade for the Aplio Platinum line of ultrasound systems and Canon Medical Systems Europe, visit our booth 320 in Expo X2 and join our lunch symposium and our hands-on workshops.

About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion). To find out more about Canon, visit

Otawara, Japan, December 21st, 2015 — Canon Medical Systems Corporation (“TMSC”, President: Toshio Takiguchi; Headqurters: Otawara, Tochigi, Japan), has decided to work on inviting outside majority shareholder(s), in order to strengthen the financial ability to further realize our growth strategies, following the announcement of “Canon Revitalization Action Plan” by Canon Corporation.

Within the process of developing mid-term plans, Canon’s decision is based on careful and through consideration that it is appropriate to invite outside investment to TMSC, in order to gain sufficient business resources for appropriate investment towards TMSC’s further growth.
TMSC has been contributing to medical industry by providing innovative and advanced products, solutions and services to its customers worldwide. But the industry is growing and changing rapidly with new technologies and business fields. In order for TMSC to realize its potential and to maximize its value to the full, making active and timely investments towards further growth and cutting-edge innovations is, inevitable. TMSC has been conducting many R&D investments, but for the future growth and innovation of technology and products, it is important to continue making further investments, including M&As.
Inviting outside investment will allow TMSC to make active and timely strategic investments and secure sufficient business resources for research & development, etc. for further business growth.


About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

“Made for Life” is trademark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

How does a world leader in medical diagnostic equipment, which provides the most cutting-edge imaging solutions in the industry, raise the bar even higher? By zeroing in on a strategy for ensuring machine uptime and consistently superior customer service, and building a world-class customer service organization to make this vision a reality.

Part of the Canon Group, Canon Medical Systems is one of the world’s leading providers of medical diagnostic imaging applications and comprehensive medical solutions. As a leader in its space, the company continuously promotes innovation in the industry, incorporating cutting-edge technologies into its medical imaging solutions. The company is also constantly looking for new ways to improve the service it provides to customers across the globe. Canon Medical Systems knows that to continue differentiating itself as a leader, it needs to adapt to changing customer expectations, ensuring every service experience is a positive one.

Recognizing the value of service delivery as a competitive differentiator, Canon Medical Systems saw an opportunity to leverage the technology to completely transform this part of its business. The company has partnered with Oracle Service Cloud in an initiative to elevate customer experience while streamlining its service operations using its comprehensive solution suite.

“With Oracle Service Cloud we are taking the next step, entering a new era of customer service: delighting our customers with the support we provide and empowering our employees with state-of-the-art applications to do their work,” says Johan Lombaerts, Senior Manager Service, at Canon Medical Systems Europe. “In doing so, we strive to strengthen and streamline communication with customers, provide them the ability to choose their preferred communication channel and access self-service tools at their convenience. It is also our goal in this initiative to increase employee satisfaction for back-office staff and field engineers, and improve the accuracy of the data we collect in order to strengthen our analysis capabilities and continue improving.”

Canon Medical Systems Europe will deploy the Oracle Service Cloud’s contact center and Oracle policy automation solutions, along with Oracle Field Service Cloud. The company will leverage these solutions together in order to:

  • Streamline communication with customers, routing incoming calls or incidents to 100 agents on the customer’s preferred channel, including phone, chat, SMS, email and an online portal.
  • Provide agents with the tools they need to easily determine a customer’s entitlements on their medical equipment
  • Ensure that critical customer and asset data is shared with resources at every step of the service process – contact center representatives, dispatchers, field resources and even supervisors
  • Improve response times when maintenance is required on assets in the field, reduce asset downtime and customer disruption
  • Drive operational efficiencies in the maintenance and repair of its medical devices, improving field engineer productivity while reducing costs associated with travel and overtime
  • Empower over 350 field engineers by providing them with access to relevant knowledge and peer-to-peer collaboration tools in the field via their mobile devices
  • Improve accuracy of the data collected in the field and ensure that it gets recorded and shared across the organization properly

By deploying Oracle Service Cloud cross-channel contact center, policy automation and field service management solutions, Canon Medical Systems Europe will completely transform the entire service process – from the time a customer calls into the contact center to report an issue to service fulfillment and data capture in the field, all the way to customer feedback. Canon’s customers will have a more positive experience thanks to streamlined communication and more personalized service, and face less disruption in their day-to-day operations due to Canon’s ability to respond quickly and resolve issues faster. For Canon, more efficient processes, increased engineer productivity and customer satisfaction will translate into a major improvement in the bottom line and drive revenue.

To learn more about Oracle Service Cloud and Oracle Field Service Cloud solutions, and the value they provide to customers across the globe, visit


About Canon Medical Systems Europe

With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems Europe (CMSE) markets, sells, distributes and services radiology and cardiovascular systems, including CT, MR, ultrasound, X-ray and cardiovascular equipment, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information, visit the CMSE website at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

Otawara, Japan, October 13, 2015 – Canon Medical Systems Corporation (“Canon”) announced today that Canon has completed the acquisition of the outstanding shares of Olea Medical SA (“Olea”), following approval from the French Ministry of Economy.

Olea Medical
This acquisition enables Canon to accelerate the growth of its MRI business and offer new clinical added value to healthcare providers by leveraging Olea’s cutting-edge software technology for advanced post-processing and image analysis as well as its broad relationships with the world’s key research institutions and customers.

“This partnership means we will benefit from both Canon and Olea’s strengths to accelerate innovation and enhance our global presence”, said Toshio Takiguchi, President and CEO of Canon Medical Systems Corporation, “Through the integration of both R&D teams we believe we could bring the innovative solutions and products to play an important role in the development of MRI systems.”

Fayçal Djeridane, President and CEO of Olea Medical SA stated: “This is great news for Olea’s customers and our fabulous team, and we are happy and proud to join the Canon family. We are convinced this is the right strategy to pursue our commitment to provide a widely accessible, complete package of simple, safe, fast, and accurate tools for full-body image post processing, in order to help doctors improve the diagnosis and follow-up process for patients’ benefit worldwide.”

Canon will also be able to provide the multi-modality solutions by integrating Olea’s post-processing software with “Vitrea”, a widely known enterprise and scanner-connected workstation by Vital Images Inc., another subsidiary of Canon, to improve collaboration among experts, consolidate and standardize workflows and enhance diagnostic confidence.

About Olea Medical

Olea Medical™ designs and markets innovative medical imaging applications that significantly improve diagnostic processes and treatment evaluation. Created in July 2008, Olea Medical has continuously increased its portfolio of innovative vendor-neutral software applications for MRI and CT imaging post-processing, including emergency settings-dedicated ones. Olea Medical’s competitive solutions allowing to speed-up and enhance diagnosis process are now implemented in major health care centers all over the world, and Olea Medical aims to becoming the leading provider of safe and accurate medical imaging software. More information at

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s website at

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations and is contributing to the realization of a world where generations to come can live better lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 580 consolidated companies employing over 199,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.6 trillion yen (US$55 billion).

To find out more about Canon, visit

Olea Medical is a trademark of Olea Medical SA.


Teruhiko Kogane

Phone: +81-287-26-5100


  • Collaboration signed to enhance access to proton therapy and carbon therapy worldwide
  • Canon Medical Systems Corporation to become IBA’s Proteus®ONE distributor in Japan
  • IBA to become Canon’s carbon therapy agent outside of Japan


Louvain-la-Neuve and Tokyo – IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) and Canon Corporation (Tokyo: 6502) today announce the signing of a global collaboration to expand access to advanced particle therapy worldwide. Canon Medical Systems Corporation will become the distributor in Japan for Proteus®ONE, IBA’s compact single-room proton therapy solution, and IBA will become the agent for Canon’s Carbon Therapy Solutions outside Japan.

IBA and Canon will collaborate on activities such as customer education for Proteus®ONE and Canon’s carbon therapy solutions.

The collaboration will also enable both organizations to mutually leverage their Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services.

Olivier Legrain, Chief Executive Officer of IBA commented: “This is an important step for IBA. A closer collaboration with a company of Canon’s caliber and leadership will accelerate the expansion of proton therapy in Japan and the introduction of Canon’s carbon therapy across the world. Carbon ion therapy is particularly suitable for treating radio-resistant tumors and allows for dose escalation, which is recommended in a number of clinical applications. Through this new collaboration, IBA will further strengthen its world leading position in proton therapy and will reaffirm its leading position in the delivery of the latest innovative cancer therapies worldwide.”

Satoshi Tsunakawa, Chief Executive Officer of Healthcare Company, Canon Corporation, said: “Proton and carbon therapies are among the most exciting technological advancements in the treatment of cancer. Canon looks forward to collaborating with IBA to enhance access to best-in-class technologies for both proton and carbon therapy centers. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future,” this collaboration will give both our companies an enhanced set of tools to provide the best cancer treatment technologies.”

About Proton and Carbon Therapy

Proton Therapy is considered an advanced and targeted cancer radiotherapy treatment due to its superior dose distribution and fewer side effects. Protons deposit the majority of their effective energy within a precisely controlled range, directly within the tumor, sparing healthy surrounding tissue. Higher doses can be delivered to the tumor without increasing the risk of side effects and long-term complications, thereby improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

Carbon ions not only have similar physical characteristics as protons, they have also a higher radiobiological effect compared to photon and proton, which could lead to shorter treatment courses and improved patient outcomes.

About IBA

IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) is a global medical technology company focused on bringing integrated and innovative solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Company is the worldwide technology leader in the field of proton therapy, the most advanced form of radiation therapy available today. IBA’s proton therapy solutions are flexible and adaptable, allowing customers to choose from universal full scale proton therapy centers as well as compact, single room systems.  In addition, IBA also has a radiation dosimetry business and develops particle accelerators for the medical world and industry.

Headquartered in Belgium and employing about 1100 people worldwide, IBA has installed systems across the world, from Europe and the US and to the emerging markets.  IBA is listed on the pan-European stock exchange EURONEXT. (IBA: Reuters IBAB.BR and Bloomberg IBAB.BB) and more information can be found at:

Breakthrough innovations in the manufacturing process of CT detectors have resulted in the PUREViSION detector, a detector with 40% more light output than other detectors redefining the standard for low dose imaging. As patient safety should not depend on the hospital size or available scanners Canon has implemented the PUREViSION detector in the complete AquilionTM series, from the Premium Tier Aquilion ONETM /ViSION Edition down to the Low Tier Aquilion /Lightning.

Each PUREViSION detector is cut with precision micro-blade technology from a solid ingot to guarantee the maximum surface area for X-ray absorption. The detector elements are separated with an accuracy of just a few microns and optically isolated by highly reflective material to ensure excellent light transmission through the scintillator. Furthermore the integrated DAS board has been optimized resulting in by up to 28% reduction in electronic noise producing a purer image. With the PUREViSION detector less radiation exposure is needed to achieve superb image quality.

In addition to the PUREViSION detector all Canon Aquilion scanners have AIDR 3D (Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction) integrated, which lowers exposure dose levels and improves image quality. By combining the PUREViSION detector and AIDR 3D the lowest possible radiation dose can be achieved for every patient.

Using low kVp permits a reduction in the volume of contrast medium needed to achieve images of diagnostic quality. PUREViSION enables physicians to not only lower the radiation dose but also to lower kVp and a considerable reduction in usage of contrast media. While a reduction in radiation and contrast media results in safer patient imaging, the use of less contrast media itself can contribute to a cost reduction for the hospital.

By incorporating the PUREViSION detector across the entire Aquilion CT product range, Canon confirms again that superb diagnostic performance and highest levels of patient safety always go together and should never be an option.

With the introduction of 0.5 mm detector technology in 1999 and the world’s first 16 cm wide-area 320-row detector in 2007 Canon became the leading innovator in CT. With the introduction of the PUREViSION detector Canon sets a new standard in detector efficiency and again proves its technical leadership.

====== END ======
Aquilion, Aquilion ONE and ViSION Edition are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

About Canon Medical Systems
With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems markets, sells, distributes and services diagnostic imaging systems, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information please visit

Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s web site at

About Canon
Canon Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations towards securing “Growth Through Creativity and Innovation”, and is contributing to the achievement of a world in which people everywhere live in safe, secure and comfortable society lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 590 consolidated companies employing over 200,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.5 trillion yen (US$63 billion).
To find out more about Canon, visit

Deal with the prestigious provider for the purchase and development of state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment

MILAN – FC Internazionale is delighted to announce a new partnership with Canon Medical Systems, one of the world’s leading suppliers of high-quality medical imaging equipment. Under the terms of the agreement, Canon Medical Systems will supply the FC Internazionale medical staff with state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment.

Canon Medical Systems will receive a range of benefits including branding at the first team and youth academy training centres, visibility through the club’s digital channels, as well as networking opportunities in the sports medicine industry. “We are proud to welcome Canon Medical Systems on board as Official Medical Systems Partner,” said Michael Bolingbroke, CEO of Inter.

“Canon has a reputation of excellence in its field and we look forward to building a strong relationship together.” Pasquale Rossi, president of Canon Medical Systems Italy, added: “Canon Medical Systems is proud to strengthen its commitment to sports medicine and player wellbeing. Our partnership with Inter offers Canon Medical Systems a unique opportunity to provide leading-edge medical equipment to top athletes playing at the very highest level of competition. I am sure that our relationship with Inter shall be a long and successful one.”

Glasgow July 23 2014

Commonwelath Games Staff

Canon Medical Systems today unveiled the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games Imaging Centre. New world class CT, MRI, X-ray and Ultrasound imaging technology powers the medical imaging centre at the Games for 6,500 athletes and team officials from 71 nations and territories across the World.

Canon medical imaging equipment will be available for athletes competing across the 17 selected sports, from athletics and boxing, to rugby sevens, swimming, wrestling and cycling.

Working in partnership with the Commonwealth Games medical staff, the Canon medical imaging centre forms a fundamental part of the polyclinic in the athletes’ village, specially designed for the provision of emergency care.

Canon Medical Systems UK Managing Director, Mark Hitchman comments: “Canon Medical Systems is extremely proud to open the medical imaging centre. Canon’s latest radiology equipment will help with early injury detection, prevention and faster rehabilitation of athletes competing at the Games. Today marks the day that we showcase our world class capability, with mobilised CT and MR which includes the brand new Vantage Elan 1.5T MRI scanner launched in the UK. The mobile CT and unique self-loading relocatable MR are the highest specification systems we know of right now, and totally in context in the environment of world class sport and athletics at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014. ”

Elizabeth Mendl, General Manager Medical and Anti Doping, and General Manager of the Commonwealth Games Polyclinic comments: “I am delighted to see such an outstanding medical solution to supporting athletes at the 2014 Games. The state-of-the-art imaging equipment manned by an experienced medical team will mean that athletes can be sure of quick and effective diagnosis and treatment if they should experience injury.”

Three-time Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Tessa Sanderson CBE, Canon Medical Systems’ Commonwealth Games Ambassador. Tessa is excited at the imaging technology advances that will be on show at the Games: “Athletics has advanced tremendously with regard to elite athlete health care over the last few years. It’s fantastic to see the world’s leading imaging technology provider supporting the Commonwealth Games. The athletes competing at this year’s Games are so privileged to have access to such high class technology and medical staff.”

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions.

Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years.

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon.

For more information please visit

For further information:

Contact: Blaise Hammond / Phone: 07713 684597 / E-mail: Maiko Davison:

Kuala Lumpur, 26 June 2014 – Canon Medical Systems Corporation (headquarters: Otawara, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; President: Satoshi Tsunakawa) has established a new manufacturing company as a wholly owned subsidiary in Penang, Malaysia. This subsidiary, which will begin operations in December, 2014, will be Malaysia’s first diagnostic imaging systems manufacturing base. It will be Canon’s third manufacturing base outside Japan, following the bases in Dalian, China, and Campinas, Brazil. This new manufacturing base will be involved in the production of diagnostic ultrasound systems and printed wiring boards.

Given Southeast Asia’s high economic growth rate of approximately 5% or more, demand for healthcare services is increasing and the market for diagnostic imaging systems is expected to undergo steady expansion. Among Southeast Asian countries, Malaysia is considered to be a good site for a global logistics hub serving Europe and the Middle East, and production in Malaysia will support the rapid delivery of high-quality products to customers in the global market. It will also allow us to optimize the total cost of the supply chain. In addition, with its mature semiconductor and automotive industries, Malaysia should be an excellent location for procurement of parts.

The Malaysian government is strongly promoting innovation in order to join the ranks of the developed countries by 2020. Healthcare has been designated one of the main economic development programs, and various policy initiatives are currently in progress. By playing an active role in this economic development plan, Canon will work hard to contribute to the development of the healthcare and the medical equipment industry in Malaysia.

[Company profile]

Address Plot 111-A Hala Kampung Jawa 2, Bayan Lepas Industrial Estate, 11900 Penang, Malaysia
President Hirokazu Noguchi
Activities Manufacture of diagnostic ultrasound systems and printed wiring boards
Name Canon Medical Systems Manufacturing Asia SDN. BHD. (TMMA)
No. of employees 200 employees by 2020 (projected)
Area of the site, total floor area 5900 m2, 8583 m2


About Canon Medical Systems Corporation

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. In October 2003, Canon Medical Systems Corporation, which prior to that time had been operating as the Medical Systems Division of Canon Corporation (“Canon”), was established as a stand-alone member of the Canon group. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon.

About Canon

Canon Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company, channels world-class capabilities in advanced electronic and electrical product and systems into five strategic business domains: Energy & Infrastructure, Community Solutions, Healthcare Systems & Services, Electronic Devices & Components, and Lifestyles Products & Services. Guided by the principles of The Basic Commitment of the Canon Group, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future”, Canon promotes global operations towards securing “Growth Through Creativity and Innovation”, and is contributing to the achievement of a world in which people everywhere live safe, secure and fulfilled lives.

Founded in Tokyo in 1875, today’s Canon is at the heart of a global network of over 590 consolidated companies employing over 200,000 people worldwide, with annual sales surpassing 6.5 trillion yen (US$63 billion).

To find out more about Canon, visit

Canon Medical Systems has today (Friday, 20 June) been unveiled as the latest addition to the Sponsor Family for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

The company become the Official Provider of Diagnostic Imaging Equipment for use during the Games within the Athletes’ Village Polyclinic. The equipment and services to be supplied include an MRI scanner, a CT scanner, a diagnostic ultrasound scanner, X-ray equipment and three medical image reporting stations .Canon Medical Systems, part of the wider Canon Corporation, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of medical systems and a leading imaging technology provider for the sports medicine industry.

The company’s existing involvement in sport includes partnerships with Manchester United FC, Barnet FC and the Tessa Sanderson Foundation. The Polyclinic will serve the 6,500 athletes and team officials within the Village from the 71 participating nations and territories at Games time.The Polyclinic will operate on a 24-hour basis supporting athletes and team officials with an aim to deliver outstanding medical services to support the Commonwealth athletes performing at their best.

David Grevemberg, Glasgow 2014 Chief Executive, said:

“We are delighted to announce Canon Medical Systems as an Official Provider for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games as the health and well-being of the athletes is a high priority.”The medical facility at the Polyclinic for athletes and team officials at Games Time is a hugely important aspect of Village life.”

Canon Medical Systems UK Managing Director, Mark Hitchman, said:

“Canon Medical Systems is proud to be named Official Medical Systems Provider for the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games. Canon’s radiology equipment is powering not just some of the leading medical institutions, but also some of the world’s leading sports organisations and community-based sports facilities such as Manchester United Football Club, Barnet Football Club and the Tessa Sanderson Foundation Academy.”We look forward to providing world-class, state-of-the-art equipment and services to the Commonwealth Games, as part of the comprehensive on-site medical facility.”

The Commonwealth Games is an international, multi-sport event involving 71 teams of athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations.

The event was first held in 1930 and takes place every four years. Glasgow 2014 will be the XX Commonwealth Games and will be held from 23 July to 3 August. It will feature 17 sports in 11 days of competition with 261 medal events on show. The Games will play host to 4500 athletes and sell 1,000,000 tickets with the event aided by an army of up to 15,000 volunteers. Glasgow 2014 Ltd is the official name for the Organising Committee tasked with delivering the Games in partnership with the Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and Commonwealth Games Scotland.

Glasgow 2014’s official partner level sponsors are Longines, SSE, Virgin Media, BP, Emirates and Ford. For more information on Glasgow 2014’s full sponsor family, please visit

Glasgow 2014, the Commonwealth Games Federation and UNICEF are working together in an exciting partnership that will transform the lives of children in Scotland and throughout the Commonwealth. Using the power of sport and culture this unique partnership aims to inspire, enable and empower the children of the Commonwealth to be the best they can be.

The Scottish Commonwealth Games Youth Trust (SCGYT) has been operating since 1989, with the aim of helping young Scottish sportspeople to improve and make use of their abilities as athletes, sports coaches, sports administrators and referees, umpires and judges – by way of grants, bursaries, loans or otherwise.

Canon Medical Systems is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Limited has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. For more information please visit

Is a leading imaging technology provider for the sports medicine industry following its recent partnerships with Manchester United FC, through the design and installation of the world’s most advanced onsite football medical imaging facility at its Aon Training Complex at Carrington. Additionally, the development of an advanced medical centre and Medical Imaging Academy at Barnet FC and an innovative youth elite sports science partnership with the Tessa Sanderson Foundation for young gifted athletes has seen an increase in demand for Canon Imaging equipment and applications for high profile elite and developing athlete sport medicine initiatives.

For further information please contact or Blaise Hammond for Canon Medical Systems on 07713 684597 or

Manchester, United Kingdom, March 11th 2014 – Manchester United and Canon Medical Systems today unveiled a brand new medical facility at the AON Training Complex. The partnership sees the club and Canon Medical Systems coming together in a mutually beneficial project involving the use of state-of-the-art medical technology within an elite sports club environment. The collaboration will promote the rapid development of novel sports medicine and exercise-related applications for CT, ultrasound and MRI scanner technology developed by global leaders in the fields of football and medical technology.
The technology will enable Manchester United’s medical team in partnership with Canon Medical Systems team to push the boundaries of sports medicine with regards to optimisation of diagnosis, rehabilitation and preventative care. With the ultimate aim of maximising the wellbeing and safety of players by means of enhanced musculoskeletal, cardiac and general health screening, the collaboration will undertake studies into early markers of potentially preventable injuries and ways of maintaining player career longevity at elite level. By using imaging in innovative ways to track the physical and physiological development of footballers throughout our system, the partnership will result in further refinement of personalised treatment and exercise regimes for individual athletes, from youth academy to first team.

Equipped with state-of-the-art scanners from Canon Medical Systems, the facility can draw on an advanced set of imaging modalities, from MRI to CT and ultrasound:

The premium cart-based Aplio™ 500 ultrasound scanner  is used by many of the UK’s leading imaging research centres. Designed for high-resolution musculoskeletal imaging, the system features exceptional spatial and contrast resolution to visualise muscle and tendon architecture in super-fine detail. Advanced Dynamic Flow and Elastography applications enable assessment of vascular flow and tissue stiffness changes in muscle and tendon, allowing the facility medical staff to make clinical decisions on treatment based on enhanced observations of the tissue structure and function.

The Viamo™ ultrasound scanner combines all the advantages of a portable ultrasound system with the diagnostic precision, productivity and comfort of a premium cart-based machine. Sharing its imaging engine and transducer technology with the Aplio series, the battery-powered Viamo scanner’s high performance imaging function will allow medical staff to visualize tissue details and vascular structures with precision when working with players and teams at locations other than the AON Training Complex such as away fixtures or pre-season tours.

Vantage Titan™ 3T MRI is a wide bore scanner that provides greater image signal and quality for cartilage, muscle and tendon damage identification. Access to this technology enables the medical staff to assess players more appropriately with much greater specificity as it relates to individual players’ personal characteristics, previous injury histories and conditioning programmes. The Vantage Titan 3T’s unique Pianissimo™ technology delivers the quietest MRI scanning on the market enhancing patient comfort and ease of communication during procedures.

An Aquilion ONE™ CT scanner – The World’s first dynamic volume CT system will allow the facility medical team to quickly identify and diagnose potentially serious vascular and neurological anomalies. It is the only scanner that is able to acquire volumes of entire organs with a single rotation of the scanner gantry, by using a 320-row detector.

Volumetric acquisition protocols can also be used to review moving joint structures in 3D, providing new clinical applications for orthopaedic imaging.

For cardiac examinations, the entire heart can be captured in as little as one rotation for coronary analysis, or over a single heartbeat to include complete functional diagnosis. Cardiac arrhythmias or heart rates up to 130 bpm are no longer an issue as opposed to helical and multislice CT, meaning that image reconstruction can proceed as planned, allowing greater accuracy of data capture for scans of players who may require enhanced cardiac screening assessments following exercise stress.

Reducing radiation dose is a significant priority for imaging professionals. Canon’s exposure control technology SUREExposure™ 3D calculates the absolute minimum radiation exposure for each patient based on their size and shape. Combined with Canon’s Adaptive Iterative Dose Reduction 3D (AIDR 3D) the calculated exposure is automatically reduced by up to 75% compared to a scan performed with traditional filtered back projection. Designed to be the fastest, safest CT scanner in the world, AIDR can be used for player examinations where CT imaging is clinically and ethically justifiable.

Imaging equipment comes complete with a full portfolio of applications and protocols for a wide range of scanning specialities, from advanced neuro-applications to echocardiography and musculoskeletal protocols. Canon’s cross-modality approach ensures the same look, feel and interaction of the user interfaces across the ultrasound, CT and MRI scanners for common functionalities such as player/patient registration, 3D post-processing and data saving.

Beyond enhancing player well-being, employing state-of-the-art equipment on site will help reduce disruption to player and team preparation. Additionally, it will safeguard the players’ privacy rights during injury or illness and allow for greater levels of confidentiality during the club’s transfer medicals.

Dr. Steve McNally, Manchester United Club Doctor, comments: “Our partnership with Canon Medical Systems that provides Manchester United with state-of-the-art ultrasound, MRI and CT scanning facilities at our Training Centre will be a world first, offering a unique opportunity to explore the capabilities of medical imaging within an elite sporting environment. Not only am I excited about the possibilities for enhancing player healthcare, athletic development and ultimately performance, the innovative applications we hope to develop through this collaboration may confer wider healthcare benefits for the general population.”

Manchester United Manager, David Moyes adds: “I’m absolutely delighted to have this facility fully up and running. Not only is it cutting edge medical technology, it will also help us detect the early signs of injury and help to refine the rehabilitation process – something that will pay dividends for years to come.”

Canon Medical Systems UK Managing Director, Mark Hitchman comments: “Our technology will enable Manchester United’s medical staff to develop a sophisticated individualized medical programme for its players at all levels. Being able to accurately identify potential predispositions to specific injuries before they happen, will facilitate appropriate modification of players’ training programmes in order to help prevent such injury. With our imaging systems, we are helping Manchester United progress into the future of Sports Medicine, today. Moreover, and this is something we are extremely excited about, the partnership will identify best practice care for professional athletes whilst delivering guidance, potential applications and treatment pathways for health and injury issues affecting the wider public.”

Aplio, Viamo, Vantage Titan, Pianissimo, Aquilion ONE and SUREExposure are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

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About Canon Medical Systems Corporation 
Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular ultrasound, nuclear medicine and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canon. For more information please visit

About Manchester United

Manchester United is one of the most popular and successful sports teams in the world, playing one of the most popular spectator sports on Earth. Throughout our 136-year heritage, we have won 62 trophies, enabling us to develop the world’s leading sports brand and a global community of 659 million followers. Our large, passionate community provides Manchester United with a worldwide platform to generate significant revenue from multiple sources, including sponsorship, merchandising, product licensing, new media & mobile, broadcasting and match day.

VIENNA, AUSTRIA, March 5th, 2014 – To improve clinical staff safety during interventional procedures and help monitor radiation dose, Canon Medical Systems Europe has partnered with Unfors RaySafe AB to offer a new dose monitoring and management tool for Infinix™-i cardiovascular X-Ray systems.

Canon integrates RaySafe i2, a state-of-the-art real-time dose monitoring solution that Unfors RaySafe has developed to allow medical staff to reduce their exposure while in the X-Ray room, thus helping to make exams safer.

With RaySafe i2, each staff member is assigned a digital, real-time dosimeter, which is wirelessly connected to an in-room-mounted screen displaying radiation exposure. The RaySafe i2 system not only helps staff view radiation exposure level during procedures, it also archives dose exposure history for future analysis.

“Real-time display and analysis of individual staff radiation dose is critical to maintaining a safe work environment,” said Bart Leclou, Vice President Personal Dosimetry, Unfors RaySafe. “Our partnership with Canon will provide their customers with an easy-to-use integrated dose monitoring tool to help clinical staff instantaneously reduce unnecessary radiation exposure”.

“Clinical staff safety is a top priority for Canon, and making the RaySafe i2 technology available on Infinix-i systems further expands our comprehensive set of dose management tools,” said René Degros, Business Unit Manager X-Ray at Canon Medical Systems Europe. “With increasingly complex interventional procedures, the ability to accurately monitor radiation exposure in real time will enable hospitals to identify protocols and educate clinical staff members on ways to make procedures safer.”

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About Canon Medical Systems
With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems markets, sells, distributes and services diagnostic imaging systems, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information please visit

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s web site at

About Canon
Canon is a world-leading diversified manufacturer, solutions provider and marketer of advanced electronic and electrical products and systems. Canon Group brings innovation and imagination to a wide range of businesses: digital products, including LCD TVs, notebook PCs, retail solutions and MFPs; electronic devices, including semiconductors, storage products and materials; industrial and social infrastructure systems, including power generation systems, smart community solutions, medical systems and escalators & elevators; and home appliances. Canon was founded in 1875, and today operates a global network of more than 590 consolidated companies, with 206.000 employees worldwide and annual sales surpassing 5.8 trillion yen (US$61 billion). Visit Canon’s web site

VIENNA, AUSTRIA, March 5th, 2014 – The 16-row detector multislice helical CT scanner Astelion /Advance Edition will be available with a speed of 0.6 s per rotation which reduces breath holding time and contrast agent volumes. Faster scanning also provides robust results for a wide range of clinical applications such as Cardiac Calcium Scoring and Lung Volume Analysis by reducing motion artefacts.

A wide range of advanced clinical applications make this compact scanner a powerful workhorse. Simplified operation with Navi mode guides novice operators through every step of an examination. Studies can be performed with confidence in any location at any time of the day and night.

Canon’s unique adaptive iterative dose reduction technology AIDR 3D is a standard feature on all Astelion scanners. This sophisticated reconstruction algorithm can also be found in Canon’s premium level CT systems such as Aquilion ONETM /ViSION EDITION.

AIDR 3D provides dose reduction of up to 75% and can be applied to all clinical scans making CT examinations safer for all patients. AIDR 3D technology allows high-quality images to be acquired with lower X-ray exposure than conventional reconstruction techniques. Consequently, Astelion achieves the equivalent performance as much higher specified generators and X-ray tubes while maintaining excellent image quality.

The design of the Astelion’s advanced reconstruction algorithms and electrical systems minimizes heat dissipation. An innovative standby mode reduces the use of cooling fans. As a result, power consumption is considerably reduced.

The Astelion series CT systems represent Canon’s ongoing commitment to the patient’s wellbeing and to a cleaner and greener environment.

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About Canon Medical Systems
With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems markets, sells, distributes and services diagnostic imaging systems, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information please visit

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s web site at

About Canon
Canon is a world-leading diversified manufacturer, solutions provider and marketer of advanced electronic and electrical products and systems. Canon Group brings innovation and imagination to a wide range of businesses: digital products, including LCD TVs, notebook PCs, retail solutions and MFPs; electronic devices, including semiconductors, storage products and materials; industrial and social infrastructure systems, including power generation systems, smart community solutions, medical systems and escalators & elevators; and home appliances.

Canon was founded in 1875, and today operates a global network of more than 590 consolidated companies, with 206.000 employees worldwide and annual sales surpassing 5.8 trillion yen (US$61 billion). Visit Canon’s web site

Astelion, Advance Edition, Aquilion ONE, ViSION Edition are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

Canon Medical Visualization Systems (TMVS), based in Edinburgh, on 6th February claimed the prestigious Innovation Award at the 2014 Scottish Enterprise Life Sciences Awards. The Advanced Visualization team in Edinburgh has demonstrated numerous innovations, most backed by patents pending, in software engineering for medical image analysis.

The Edinburgh team is part of Canon’s Medical Systems Division, a $4bn global operation; they develop the software that creates3D images from the outputs of medical scanners (such as CT, MRI and Ultrasound). The company’s world – leading CT scanner is fast enough to produce dynamic images of a beating heart, dramatically improving the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.

Ken Sutherland, President of TMVS, commented; “We are obviously delighted to be recognized in the highly competitive Innovation category; it is a tribute to the caliber of the staff we are lucky enough to have here in Edinburgh, indeed to the Scottish higher education system.”

TMVS has close links with the University community in Scotland and is a member of STEMNET, the national programme part – funded by the Scottish Government that aims to inspire students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

Dr. Sutherland added; “Our work has a direct impact on the diagnosis and treatment of major diseases, particularly cardiovascular conditions; so it’s important, challenging and, ultimately very rewarding. Through Canon in Japan we are able to deliver this technology to hospitals all over the world.”

For more information, visit


About TMVS
TMVS employs over one hundred and twenty people at its R&D site in Edinburgh. Innovation in Clinical Applications for Cardiovascular disease forms one of the main parts of the work performed there. The technology is used with Canon Medical’s scanner products, which are sold on a global basis. Overall Canon Medical has just under 9000 employees and an annual turnover of about $4Bn. The work from TMVS on Cardiovascular imaging directly supports sales of Canon’s premium CT product, the world leading Aquilion ONE TM / ViSION Edition.
Aquilion ONE/ ViSION Edition is a trade mark of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

Media Contact

Guy Robb (
Associate Director
Integris Communications
Office: 0131 257 4567
Mobile: 07748 661565

Client Contact
Dr. Ken Sutherland (
President, TMVS
Office: 0131 472 4796

Smaller, Smarter, Simpler
“Xario 200 and Xario 100 are designed to provide top performance in a small package”, says Marcel Boschker, Product Manager of the Xario line in Europe, “together with our Japanese engineers we were listening very carefully to our customers and their demands to meet the challenges of today’s healthcare environment”. Dr. Horst Kinkel, Deputy Chief of the Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Diabetology, Düren Hospital, Germany, confirms ”The Xario excels in consistent top image quality, versatility, flexible workflow, and is very mobile to move within the departments, and within the hospital. I immediately recognized the diagnostic potential and the ease-of-use of this machine. To phrase it a bit more emotionally: I almost felt like being kissed by the Xario”. Xario 100 is covering a wide range of basic applications including Cardiovascular and 3D/4D imaging, with excellent image quality, Xario 200 can be equipped with advanced applications such as the Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) imaging package and the Elastography package. “The CEUS exams that I did on the system were very convincing”, Dr. Kinkel says, “the quality came very close to that of the premium class”.

Image Quality – Advanced Imaging Enhancement Technologies
“Since Xario is built on High Density Imaging architecture we were able to migrate almost all imaging enhancement technologies we developed for the Aplio™ class to the new Xario platform, such as Precision Imaging, ApliPure™+, Advanced Dynamic Flow™ (ADF), and even Differential Tissue Harmonic Imaging, a Canon proprietary wideband technology that provides deep penetration capability and brilliant resolution at the same time”, Kazufumi Ishiyama, General Manager of Canon Global Ultrasound Business, explains, “our engineers make no compromise when it comes to confirm Canon’s reputation for providing outstanding image quality. We want to enable our customers to see more and make better diagnostics also with the Xario”.

Perfect transducers for perfect diagnostics
Xario comes with a range of a new type of wide bandwidth transducers from standard models to specialty probes to deliver superb image quality. “The transducers are very lightweight and feel very easy to handle, with very flexible cables”, Dr. Kinkel confirms, “transducers have a major impact on the image quality that I can obtain and on the way I perform my exams. This is so important for a “workhorse” like the Xario – and in the end it is the patient who benefits most when the exams can be performed smoothly and quickly in the hands of a sonographer who is in harmony with the ultrasound system”.

Reduced keystrokes, shorter exam times
The Xario comes with a fully customizable console. Xario 200 even offers a touch-command-screen to program the system settings and access a wide range of applications and exam types pre-programmed into the system very intuitively and quickly. With Canon’s QuickScan technology available on Xario200 and Xario100 the user can optimize the imaging parameters with a single push of a button for all transducers and application protocols at any time during the exam.

Versatility in every aspect
The Xario can be equipped with dedicated features and options to tailor the system to various clinical specialties. Dr. Rainer Bald, head of the obstetrics department of the Klinikum in Leverkusen, Germany, has worked with the OB/GYN options on the Xario. “The image quality for fetal diagnostics is amazing and comes very close to the Aplio. Advanced Dynamic Flow on the Xario is a very strong feature to enhance Color Doppler Imaging, it helps me a lot in the diagnostics of the fetal heart”, Dr. Bald says.

For cardiovascular applications the Xario comes with a smart on-board reporting functionality, flexible M-Mode, an optional stress-echo program, and Tissue Enhancement function. Dr. Regina Steringer-Mascherbauer head of the Pulmonal Hypertension Department, Clinic for Angiology and Intensive Care at the Elisabethinen Hospital in Linz, Austria, who has been working with these features, explains “The images are brilliant, Tissue Enhancement works very reliable to push the B-mode image quality to the highest level. Pulse-Wave, Continuous-Wave, and Color-Doppler performance is very competitive. I like in particular the presets and sub-presets on the system to be able to start with optimal settings of the system for every patient. This saves me a lot of time during the exams.”

Important growing customer segment
“We position the Xario into the higher-mid range segment, just below the premium-high segment of the Aplio series. This is a very important and fast growing customer segment we want to address. The great success of the new Aplio platform that was introduced in autumn 2011, and the enormous potential of the new Xario introduced now, gives us strong confidence that we can continue and even accelerate our growth strategy in our markets”, says Dr. Christoph Simm, Ultrasound Business Manager of Canon Medical Systems Europe.

About Canon Medical Systems
With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems markets, sells, distributes and services diagnostic imaging systems, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information please visit

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s web site at

About Canon
Canon is a world-leading diversified manufacturer, solutions provider and marketer of advanced electronic and electrical products and systems. Canon Group brings innovation and imagination to a wide range of businesses: digital products, including LCD TVs, notebook PCs, retail solutions and MFPs; electronic devices, including semiconductors, storage products and materials; industrial and social infrastructure systems, including power generation systems, smart community solutions, medical systems and escalators & elevators; and home appliances.
Canon was founded in 1875, and today operates a global network of more than 550 consolidated companies, with 202,000 employees worldwide and annual sales surpassing 6.1 trillion yen (US$74 billion). Visit Canon’s web site
Xario, ApliPure, Dynamic Flow and Aplio are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.

Vantage Elan™

Canon Medical Systems Corporation is proud to display its revolutionary 1.5T MRI system for the first time at the Journées Françaises de la Radiologie (French Radiology Congress) which is held in the city of Paris from October the 18th to the 22nd. With more than 1700 systems already installed worldwide, the Vantage™ family of MRIs provided a strong technological basis for the new design of the Vantage Elan.

Everyone expects that there should be no compromise in Image quality when using a diagnostic tool with their patients, and now you do not have to make a choice as TOSHIBA has pioneered a new segment with the Next Generation 1.5 T system. With Vantage Elan’s superior intrinsic homogeneity, achieved by employing a new magnet technology, you no longer have to sacrifice quality in your images. Canon’s Vantage Elan provides excellent image quality even in the most difficult examination requirements such as off center imaging or in a large field of view requiring fat free images.

Patient care is always Canon’s number one concern whenever we design a new system. We have improved the comfort of the examination by introducing a new technology called Pianissimo™ Σ that significantly reduces the noise for the patient and the operator. Our new light coil design with Octave SPEEDER™ technology provides easier set up and a more comfortable experience for the patient without sacrificing image quality. Our unique Feet First examination technique also helps to reduce patient anxiety. Finally, our new bore aperture, short length magnet and air flow system, provides your patient with a comfortable place to have their examination with less stress.

All of Canon’s world renowned true non-contrast applications, which are available on our other Vantage series products, are also in the Vantage Elan making it possible to perform a full body Non Contrast MRA. Canon pioneered the technique to remove the need to use expensive and potentially dangerous contrast media while still providing “contrast” in the images. We have saved our users from choosing to inject contrast media in their patients while giving them even better information without the problems that contrast can cause in obscuring fine details. You never have to worry about injection timing when you do not need an injection. Better for you and better for your patients and better for your bottom line, all at the same time.

Canon’s M-Power™ software allows the user to quickly and easily learn and access all of our advanced software techniques. With high SPEEDER factors and the ability to use our versatile 16ch Flex coils you can get the best images in the least time with the greatest comfort for your patients. Our Atlas Compass technology selects the best elements to perform the imaging procedure.

More importantly the Vantage Elan is Eco friendly as this system strongly reduces it power consumption through our Eco mode. In conventional MRI systems, power is supplied to various subsystems even while in Standby mode in order to maintain a stable system operation. The Vantage Elan provides an innovative “ECO mode” in which power is supplied to fewer subsystems while maintaining stable operation. You save money and help the environment at the same time.

The final concern of every user is space and Vantage Elan shines here too, as it will only require 23 square meters for a complete installation accomplished in only one week. In every aspect, we have made a Next Generation 1.5 T system that removes any compromise when purchasing a new 1.5T system for your practice. Maximize performance while reducing space requirement is no longer a dream it is a reality with Vantage Elan, a new concept MRI from Canon which establishes a new segment for the 1.5T image space.

About Canon Medical Systems
With headquarters in Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, Canon Medical Systems markets, sells, distributes and services diagnostic imaging systems, and coordinates clinical diagnostic imaging research for all modalities in Europe. For more information please visit

About Canon Medical Systems Corporation
Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of medical diagnostic imaging systems and comprehensive medical solutions, such as CT, X-ray and vascular, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, and MRI systems, as well as information systems for medical institutions. Canon Medical Systems Corporation has been providing medical products for over 80 years. Canon Medical Systems Corporation is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canon. Visit Canon Medical Systems Corporation’s web site at

About Canon
Canon is a world-leading diversified manufacturer, solutions provider and marketer of advanced electronic and electrical products and systems. Canon Group brings innovation and imagination to a wide range of businesses: digital products, including LCD TVs, notebook PCs, retail solutions and MFPs; electronic devices, including semiconductors, storage products and materials; industrial and social infrastructure systems, including power generation systems, smart community solutions, medical systems and escalators & elevators; and home appliances.
Canon was founded in 1875, and today operates a global network of more than 550 consolidated companies, with 202,000 employees worldwide and annual sales surpassing 6.1 trillion yen (US$74 billion). Visit Canon’s web site
Vantage, Vantage Elan, Pianissimo, M-Power, and Octave SPEEDER are trademarks of Canon Medical Systems Corporation.